All Reviews: Jason Delacey
Let me start by saying that while this (Hyperdimension Neptunia) is a long-running series (it originated in 2010) I am new to the world of Neptunia. Still, any ...
Bumblebee is the sixth movie in the Transformers franchise but let me start by saying that I am a huge Transformers fan. As a matter of fact back in 1987 when ...
Today I want to talk to you about one of the better downloadable games from the Assassin's Creed franchise, Black Flag. Originally released in 2013, Black ...
Here is a game that has been in development so long that I forgot that it existed. Miscreated is an open-world survival game that is really going to test your ...
Disney likes to go big and they certainly went big with the now downloadable A Wrinkle In Time, their big-screen adaption of the popular 1963 novel. While many ...
Here is one of the biggest surprises of 2018 for me, the downloadable title Last Year: The Nightmare. While setting things in the ’80s is the “cool thing” ...
With a development time of five plus years, Below is a Steam-downloadable roguelike game that more than a few people have been very interested in. Well now it ...
Are video games art? This is a debate that has been going on for years. Well, I challenge anyone to look at Gris for five minutes and try telling me that this ...
Ipassed on the original Insurgency game which was a huge indie hit a couple of years back. However, the constant badgering of one of my buddies led me to give ...
I played the heck out of the original Prey (released in 2006) on Xbox 360 so I was all in when the new game was announced. Prey may have come out in 2017, but ...