All Reviews: Zain Bhatti

There's not a popular song on YouTube that doesn't have a "chipmunk" version. Something about hearing your favorite songs sped up is just amusing, and Alvin ...

The last good Dr. Seuss adaptation was probably Horton Hears A Who, and it was the best out of them. After that, it seemed like Hollywood tried replicating it ...

Keanu Reeves returns as the ruthless hitman John Wick, after the popularity and cult following of the first film. The film reintroduced Keanu Reeves to the ...

Even if a movie was bad, I'd watch it if Keanu Reeves was in it. And honestly, John Wick movies never made sense to me, yet I still find myself thoroughly ...

Sacha Baron Cohen is unapologetically offensive, and it's shocking how he gets away with most of his pranks. He's the type of guy that understands idiots and ...

Matt Damon's departure from the Bourne series should have ended it, but in an uncommon move for a reboot, the main character is also replaced. The early signs ...

The Bourne Ultimatum is the third installment of the Bourne trilogy, which also includes The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy. However, you don't need ...

Honestly, Taken never deserved Liam Neeson. The only good thing about the Taken movies is Liam Neeson, who manages to make anything look badass (such as eating ...

There are two types of people in the world. There are the people who drool for the new Saw movie each Halloween, and there are people, like me, who wonder how ...

I was never a fan of the Saw movies, but I always watch them out of morbid curiosity. They were never memorable story-wise, but we remember the names for every ...

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