Verlet Swing

Verlet Swing is a downloadable indie action game developed and published by Flamebait Games. The game was officially released on 18th September 2018 and features a first-person swinging environment. ...
Verlet Swing is a downloadable indie action game developed and published by Flamebait Games. The game was officially released on 18th September 2018 and features a first-person swinging environment. ...
Developed by IO Interactive and coming from Warner Bros., the downloadable action game Hitman 2 is the long-awaited sequel to 2016’s Hitman. But the series has roots much older than that. It goes ...
The sequel to the 2013 reboot of the franchise, the downloadable action-adventure game Rise of the Tomb Raider from Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix is an origin story for the iconic Lara Croft, the ...
A first-person psychological survival horror game from Red Barrels, Outlast 2 is the 2017 sequel to the critically acclaimed downloadable 2013 game. As journalist Blake Langermann, players are ...
The downloadable title Gears of War 4, arriving in 2016 from devs The Coalition and published by Microsoft Studios, is the first title in the Gears series to not come from Epic Games – and that had ...
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a 3rd person downloadable shooter with a story-focused narrative and was released exclusively on the PS4 on the 10th May 2016. The game was originally developed by ...
What do you get when you combine the survival horror of Capcom's Resident Evil series with the atmospheric horror that is outer space? You’d get 2008’s Dead Space, a rare gem of a game from ...
Ori and the Blind Forest is a platform-adventure game that was originally released on PC and Xbox One on the 11th March 2015. Developed by Moon Studios, Ori and the Blind Forest was the studios' ...
Watch_Dogs 2 is the downloadable sequel to the original Watch Dogs which was released back in 2014. Watch Dogs 2 was released on the 15th of November 2016 for PS4 and Xbox One and was later released ...
Watch Dogs is a downloadable open-world, 3rd person shooter with a narrative focus that has you take on the role of Aiden Pearce, a hacker that has access to many of the country's electronic devices ...
Now in its ninth season on AMC, The Walking Dead would seem to be the perfect vehicle for a video game and, indeed, many studios have taken a swing at it. But Overkill Software’s action-take on the ...
How do you reinvent one of the most consequential video games ever made? If you’re id Software and that game is DOOM, you don’t really change a whole lot and, instead, you focus on the basics that ...