Nioh: Complete Edition

Nioh is a downloadable action hack and slash with RPG elements that was released exclusively on the PS4 on the 7th February 2017, but was kater brought to the PC, which happened on the 7th November ...
Nioh is a downloadable action hack and slash with RPG elements that was released exclusively on the PS4 on the 7th February 2017, but was kater brought to the PC, which happened on the 7th November ...
Heroes of Newerth is a downloadable MOBA, developed by S2 Games and Frostburn Studios, the teams aren't known for anything other than the Heroes of Newerth franchise, but it does mean that they are ...
Halo 5: Guardians is the 5th mainline game in the downloadable Halo franchise that focuses on Master Chief, but this time does alternate between a second character, Spartan Locke. Released ...
Truck Simulation 19 is a downloadable mobile game from astragon Entertainment, the studio behind such titles as Bus Simulator 16 and 18 or Construction Simulator 2015 and 2. Coming back to TS 19, do ...
Released in 2015 from developers Supermassive Games, the downloadable horror adventure Until Dawn began life as a PlayStation 3 title but became a PlayStation 4 as development on the older system ...
The Lord of the Rings Online is a downloadable MMORPG set in Middle-earth, the fantasy world created by J.R.R. Tolkien. If there is one genre that tended to dominate PC gaming but which has fallen ...
StarCraft: Remastered is a downloadable HD version of the acclaimed science fiction RTS game from 1998. And we have to point out that a sensation in South Korea and beyond, Blizzard’s sci-fi ...
Atlus, the publisher often noted for its amazing Japanese role-playing games, also publishes a ton of quirky Japan-market titles that wouldn’t otherwise make it outside of the country. One of those ...
Though it has 5 in its title, Persona 5 is technically the sixth game in the series. Coming from Japanese role-playing game powerhouse Atlus, this downloadable title 5 continues the series ...
The battle royale genre is absolutely dominating gaming. And every dev out there has their own idea for how to approach it. From battle royale with building like in Fortnite to battle royale with ...
When you think of unique concepts for a platforming game, you probably don't often consider motorcycles and post-apocalyptics settings. But such is the formula behind the downloadable title Steel ...
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus, a turn-based tactical strategy game from Bulwark Studios, seeks to transform the tabletop iteration of Warhammer 40,000 into a video game, complete with narrative and ...