Orange Is the New Black

If I had to put a list together of my favorite Netflix Originals, Orange is the New Black would certainly make that list. Orange Is the New Black made its debut in 2013 and would run for seven ...
If I had to put a list together of my favorite Netflix Originals, Orange is the New Black would certainly make that list. Orange Is the New Black made its debut in 2013 and would run for seven ...
When it comes to the world of animated movies, there aren't many that seem to match up to the quality of Pixar and Disney. Sure, every once in a while a good film comes out such as 'Spiderman: Into ...
Everybody loves Angelina Jolie, that's just a fact. However, her films? Not so much. She has had an era of good performances as many different remarkable characters. However, every once in a while, ...
Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks when working together, always manage to surprise us with something unique and lovable. A character that we can root for, cry with, and fall absolutely in love with their ...
American Underdog is a sports movie about NFL star, Kurt Warner. I will admit that I am not an American football fan, but I do like sports movies and this one really got to me! This is such an ...
I have been very excited for Reacher since it was announced that Alan Ritchson was cast in the title role. I am a big fan of his and his presence as Hank/Hawk on Titans really cemented the fact he ...
Look, Marry Me is about as predictable as you can get when it comes to a romantic comedy. As soon as I saw the trailer, I was pretty sure I knew how this movie was going to go and I would wager most ...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, not to be confused with "The" Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974 is actually a sequel to the original, not a reboot. The way to look at this is the same as you would the 2018 ...
Edward Zwick is a director who has had a major fall from grace in the last decade and a half. He went from directing deeply philosophical, drama films about flawed characters and troubled motivations ...
Eddie Murphy's name will forever be etched into the world of 80s comedy films. He's done such a tremendous job stretching the name of African-American comedians in that era, and bringing it to a ...
Kenneth Branagh directs and stars in this latest adaptation of the Agatha Christie classic, Death of the Nile. This is a sequel to the 2017 Murder on the Orient Express, but you do not need to have ...
I am a huge fan of Roland Emmerich and I could not have been any more excited for Moonfall. I swear every movie that I went to see in the theatre from November until January had a Moonfall trailer. ...