Dora and the Lost City of Gold

I have to say that Dora and the Lost City of Gold is a movie that is far better than it has any right to be. My son grew up watching Dora and Diego so I knew that we would get a kick out of this ...
I have to say that Dora and the Lost City of Gold is a movie that is far better than it has any right to be. My son grew up watching Dora and Diego so I knew that we would get a kick out of this ...
Before we start talking about the Hulk movie from 2003, we have to look at the state of Marvel movies in the late 90s and early 00s. Blade struck gold in 1998, X-Men did even better in 2000 and ...
The 90s undoubtedly were a pioneering era for action-comedy films in Hollywood. Some of the greatest films of the combined genres were released in that era, as well as some of the earliest examples ...
The quality of the Planet of the Apes remake franchise may mostly be attributed to the vision of Matt Reeves, but people forget the one who started it all, Rupert Wyatt. The Planet of the Apes remake ...
If you ever wondered what could be more of a cash-grab than a comedy film sequel, the answer is simple enough, a comedy sequel's sequel. What mostly happens is the following of the same or very ...
Action-horror films are rarely something authentic. They do almost always involve zombies, which are an extremely common horror cash-grab strategy. Spin-offs of popular characters in a zombified mode ...
You will seldom see a film that excels so much in almost every aspect. The anti-western/revisionist western genre is not very rich, but always makes for a relatively out-of-the-box film, so it's an ...
Sherlock Holmes is among the most heavily adapted characters of all time. There has been some sort of a live-action adaptation of the character in every decade since the 20th century's inception. The ...
Regardless of the American Sniper being historically and politically legit or not, there are rarely any recent films that depict the grittiness of war in such a great manner. Clint Eastwood has ...
When writing about Ted it's hard not to think that talking props, toys, furniture, animals, and even cars have been a common occurrence in fantasy fiction forever, but ever since the release of ...
Disaster films (and such is The Day After Tomorrow), due to the premise alone focusing mostly on the spectacle itself, are often disasters in terms of quality, or at best, semi-disasters. Not to say ...
I must admit that if it was not for my wife my knowledge of musicals would be able to be written on the back of a postage stamp! However, I enjoyed Hamilton on Disney Plus and as In the Heights is ...