
The World Is Not Enough Download


I know I am not exactly in the majority when I say this, but 1999’s The World Is Not Enough is my all time favorite James Bond movie. This is the third time that Pierce Brosnan would play Bond and ...

Tomorrow Never Dies Download


Following up from 1995’s GoldenEye was no easy feat for 1997’s Tomorrow Never Dies, but this is a movie I have come to like more each time I have seen it. I watched this again recently as I have been ...

Oh, God! Download

Oh God-06

How I had made it over 40 years on this Earth and had no idea that there was a series of movies where George Burns played God is beyond me. I am always looking for new movies to add to my collection ...

The Spy Who Loved Me Download

The Spy Who Loved Me-07

Not all that long ago I reviewed GoldenEye and in that review, I explained how that was really my “first” Bond. I had seen a few of the older James Bond movies before as they were on TV quite ...

The Deep (1977) Download


I have no idea how, but I had never actually heard of 1977’s The Deep until my grandfather brought it up when I went to visit him recently. He was flicking through the channels and it was on and he ...

Terminator Zero Download

Terminator Zero-07

Terminator 2: Judgment Day is my favorite movie of all time and I honestly cannot see anything ever changing that. I also love the first Terminator movie as well. However, despite my love for the ...

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Download


I do not think that I have ever been more excited and nervous at the same time for a movie than I was with Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I love Beetlejuice, it is a top 20 movie of all time for me and a ...

Kaos Download


Kaos is a Netflix original series and a series that is well worth your time checking out. The wife and I had a lot of fun with this show and by the end of the eight episode we had been on one heck of ...