The LEGO Batman Movie
The LEGO Batman Movie is an animated comedy that relates the adventures of the well-known superhero. It was produced by the Warner Animation Group and directed by Chris McKay. The script was written ...
The LEGO Batman Movie is an animated comedy that relates the adventures of the well-known superhero. It was produced by the Warner Animation Group and directed by Chris McKay. The script was written ...
Despicable Me 3 is another part of the popular Minions franchise that has gained millions of fans (and what may seem the most bizarre - among them there are not just children and adolescents ... ...
Cars 2 is an animated movie available for stream or for download. It is the sequel to 2006's Cars. Cars w was released on June 18, 2011. The film has been made with the use of 3D technology. It was ...
Finding Nemo is an American animated film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios, directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich. It was released on May 30, 2003. In 2004, the film ...
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is an unusual movie with an unusual name. You can imagine all sorts of things. Probably no one before has come up with the idea to make food a villain. This ...
Finding Dory is an animated film that was released on June 17, 2017. This is the sequel to the movie Finding Nemo from 2003. The picture was directed by Andrew Stanton. Here we meet again the ...
The Fate of the Furious also known as Fast and Furious 8, as the title suggests, is the eighth part of the series, which began in 2001. The amazing American action movie celebrated its world premiere ...
Despicable Me 2 is a downloadable sequel to the well-known first part of Despicable Me. It was produced by Universal Pictures and has entertained viewers all around the world. The world premiere of ...
Frozen is an American animated downloadable movie that combines fairy tale and action-adventure elements with an artistic flair of the musical. The production, directed by Chris Buck, was created by ...
The Good Dinosaur is a feature film made in 2015. The movie was directed by Peter Sohn. It is a 3D computer-animated comedy that tells the adventures of a young dinosaur. The cast for the ...
Inside Out is a 3D animated film from 2015. (Also, watch out for the sequel - Inside Out 2). It was produced by Pixar, a well-known and respected film studio. The film was directed by Pete Docter. He ...
Assassin's Creed is a French and American production based on the classic Ubisoft computer game series of the same title. The worldwide premiere of the film took place on December 14, 2016. The ...