Buddy Cop Movies

Ride Along


Comedy, it’s a genre that relies entirely on excelling in one and only one thing. However, often times when comedy films don’t have a coherent plot, they turn into random spoofs such as Scary Movie, ...

21 Jump Street (2012)


Comedy had an infamous era, it began back in the 90s with the release of Austin Powers, and it was elevated in the 2000s after dozens of films came out through the same lens. This was an era full of ...

Bad Boys II


It's a Hollywood tradition to constantly always follow up a fantastic one-off story with an unnecessary sequel that will not only tarnish the legacy of the original film, but also make you feel like ...

Bad Boys


Let's be honest, if you are an 80s or 90s kid then you saw a whole bunch of movies growing up that completely changed your view of Hollywood and blockbusters. These films were so influential in their ...

Lethal Weapon 4


The one thing I hate when it comes to my favorite franchises released very early on is that they get milked more often than they should. It's annoying to know that a franchise you love dearly is ...

Lethal Weapon 3


Lethal Weapon had always been a series that managed to increase the stakes and bring in more to love from the acting, the action and the fantastic plot that glued it all together. However, in 1992, ...

Lethal Weapon 2


Well, we all love and adore films that push the boundaries of what cinema can do and showcase, we also love a ton of entertaining content that can be both blockbusters and still thought-provoking. ...

Beverly Hills Cop


Eddie Murphy's name will forever be etched into the world of 80s comedy films. He's done such a tremendous job stretching the name of African-American comedians in that era, and bringing it to a ...

Lethal Weapon (1987)


Richard Donner is often known as the man who brought Superman out of the comic book page and onto the big screens all over the world. However, that's not all that Donner did, in fact, Donner had been ...

22 Jump Street


In 21 Jump Street, Schmidt and Jenko go undercover in a high school to bust a drug ring. In 22 Jump Street, Schmidt and Jenko go undercover in a college to bust a drug ring. Wait, am I watching the ...
