The 40-Year-Old Virgin

If you’re a fan of comedy that simply burns through the frustrations of daily life, something raunchy and spicy enough to cure even the dullest of moods, look no further than the filmography of Judd ...
If you’re a fan of comedy that simply burns through the frustrations of daily life, something raunchy and spicy enough to cure even the dullest of moods, look no further than the filmography of Judd ...
Dumb and Dumber is a go-to movie for thousands of people. It simply kills any sense of sadness or depression that you might be feeling by making you laugh so very hard. The film is consistently ...
In all honesty, I forgot that this film even existed. I had seen it once when I was a young film enthusiast, looking to watch everything that IMDB could throw my way. When I think back to that era, ...
Throughout the history of cinema, we've seen many films featuring animals as the main characters. From talking cats to heroic dogs, these movies have always been a favorite of children and adults ...
A good wholesome time is how I would say 80 for Brady is best described. I am not an American Football fan, but I loved the cast here and thought that the premise was interesting. I have always liked ...
As a kid, there was nothing more delightful than watching Stuart Little going on one of his phenomenal adventures with his gang. The little family felt like your own family as you watched the film, ...
Man is this House Party reboot a tough one to talk about! Before we get to this, we have to take a trip back to the early 90s and talk about Kid n Play. The House Party series actually started all ...
1994, a year of cinematic brilliance, brought us Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, and The Shawshank Redemption, yet Morgan Creek Productions and Warner Bros. Pictures dared to tread a different path. They ...
You ever watch a movie and wonder why it exists? That is exactly the reaction I had when I watched 102 Dalmatians. Released in 2000, 102 Dalmatians is the sequel to the fun 1996 live-action remake of ...
Buddy cop films, which feature a comedic partnership between two contrasting police officers, have been a popular sub-genre of action films for several decades. One of the most notable examples of ...