Comedy Movies

Notting Hill


There is nary a person as popular in the world of romantic comedies as Julia Roberts, and there is not a single person as talented in that genre as Hugh Grant. These two have a penchant for the ...

Ghostbusters II


It's a bit weird how some of the most prominent studios can make some incredibly large mistakes. There's a bunch of different examples of this, perhaps the biggest one can be found in recent years ...

Ghostbusters (1984)


Fresh off of the success of Meatballs and Stripes, Bill Murray (check him out also in Lost in Translation) was beginning to cement himself as one of the top comics in Hollywood. It wasn't just that ...



If you see that Kevin James is featured in a movie, your usual instinct would be to run away. However, there are two exceptions to that particular instinct, Paul Blart Mall Cop and Hitch. Romantic ...

Wedding Crashers


Sex comedies have always been an off-putting genre, to say the least. They're filled with misogynistic undertones and over-the-top romance scenes that don't really serve much purpose to deserve ...

Sonic the Hedgehog 2


I know this may sound crazy to some, but Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is the most fun I have had in a movie theatre in a very long time. I went to see this with my son, I grew up a huge fan of Sonic and he ...

The Lost City (2022)


Brought to us by the Nee brothers who also had a hand in the script, The Lost City is an action comedy that was way better than it had any right to be. It had a fantastic cast, lots of fun action and ...