Coming-of-age Movies

Lady Bird (2017)


It's hard to understand what makes a genuinely good coming of age film. These films have many aspects to them; they usually consist of a plethora of different types of characters, including some ...

The Queen’s Gambit


If you have Netflix, you have heard about The Queen's Gambit. This is the most-watched Netflix original of 2020 and it has become a real phenomenon all over the world. I will admit the thought of ...

Little Women (2019)


I will admit that my only experience of Little Women before this was the fact the 1994 version is a favorite of my wife's. So, while I went into this with an open mind, she and I am sure other fans ...

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars

Oh boy, this is going to be a tough one to review. Full disclosure going in my wife made me watch this on Netflix one night. I was willing to give it a chance though as I am very fond of a good drama ...