Crime Drama Movies

Top Boy


Living in the UK, I remember when Top Boy first aired on TV back in 2011 and what a huge deal it was. The show was a massive success and a truly groundbreaking look at the drug and gang culture in ...

Cleveland Abduction


At the time I sat down to watch Cleveland Abduction I had no idea that this was actually a made-for-TV movie. That would not have deterred me from watching as I have seen some fantastic made-for-TV ...



I am pretty pumped to talk about this show as it is a real personal favorite of mine. I would say that so far, I have turned at least 10 friends and family members onto Ozark! This Netflix original ...

Narcos: Mexico


I loved the Netflix series Narcos, but I do think that this spin-off, Narcos: Mexico is a better show. To be fair, both shows are great, but I just think that this one had a quicker pace and was a ...

Money Heist


Money Heist is a Spanish TV series that was showcased to the world thanks to Netflix. While Netflix did not "create" the series, they certainly got it out to the rest of the world. While the show is ...



Netflix has had so many great Netflix Originals since they started, but few get universal acclaim like Narcos. Running for three seasons (plus the spin-off) this was a wild ride that told the story ...

House of Gucci


Based on the popular 2001 book, House of Gucci is a movie my wife was very excited about. I knew nothing about Gucci before this movie, but as a fan of most of Ridley Scott's work and the fact it had ...

Breaking Bad


One of the best decisions (TV show-wise) I ever made was not watching Breaking Bad when it first aired! The reason I say this is that I started the show after it had its initial run and I ended up ...

The Maltese Falcon (1941)


We simply cannot talk about the emergence of the crime/thriller genre within the American cinema without mentioning John Houston's contribution to the cause. The 1940s were a difficult time for ...

The Irishman (2019)


Martin Scorsese's been a staple in the gangster film community ever since the seventies. He's done all kinds of films that involve gangsters and said gangsters go on to do a ton of terrible things to ...