Crime Movies

Jackie Brown


It’s quite rare when a Quentin Tarantino film flies under the radar. He is one of the most conventionally prolific directors of the modern age, with almost every single one of his films being ...

Shaft (2000)


It's quite remarkable that John Singleton, who served as Director, Writer, and Producer of Shaft (2000), decided to make this film after three decades without any notable public demand for it. The ...

True Detective


Before the first season of True Detective aired, there was a lot of hype around it. HBO managed to get an all-star cast for that first season and it was heavily promoted. Being someone that loves ...

102 Dalmatians


You ever watch a movie and wonder why it exists? That is exactly the reaction I had when I watched 102 Dalmatians. Released in 2000, 102 Dalmatians is the sequel to the fun 1996 live-action remake of ...

The Girl on the Train (2016)


It’s hard to judge films that were originally books, but then later adapted into films. Hollywood gets its grubby hands on a good novel, with a great story and cast of characters, and turns it into a ...

White Boy Rick


Auto-biographical films don’t really have a great track record in recent times. There are a few exceptions to that fact, of course, but most of the time, they are often heavily fictionalized ...

Reservoir Dogs


Quentin Tarantino is by far one of the greatest cinematic minds of our time, and it’s no joke that he’s inspired a generation of filmmakers to create the films that THEY want to make. Tarantino’s ...

Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult


So, here we are with the very stupid, yet also incredibly intelligent Naked Gun series at its ultimate end. The third installment - Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult - for some reason sees Peter Segal ...