Drama Movies

Life of Pi


It's not very common to find a film that is as grounded as it is imaginative. Something that familiarizes us as much with reality and life at its rawest as it does with the wildest possible sides of ...

The Witcher (TV series)


While I loved The Witcher 3, I must admit that is my only experience with the franchise. The Witcher from Netflix is based on the popular series of books more so than the games. It stars Henry Cavill ...

Rain Man


If you ever start finding the adventure genre a little too repetitive due to how grand-scale it is, consider its minimalistic counterpart, the 'road' genre. Unlike an absolutely extraverted ...

The Shawshank Redemption


There are not many films that manage to reach the absolute top of the IMDB score ratings, and manage to remain there despite so many better films coming out. This is the story of The Shawshank ...

The Green Mile


There are many films out there that tremendously change the way you see a character from the start of the film to the end of it. These films choose to challenge our interpretation of these characters ...

Shakespeare in Love


There aren't many stories of unfulfilled love that hit home the same way Shakespeare in Love does. This is a true coming of age, sensual portrait of romantic love that is unlike anything else. The ...

The English Patient


There are always movies that after a while of their popularity start to get overlooked; The English Patient is one such underappreciated gem. This film came out of nowhere back in 1996, and just ...



While compared to its western counterpart, Bollywood as an industry has always sluggishly tried to continue its traditions and follow its roots. While the rest of cinema moves on, experimenting with ...

The Karate Kid (1984)


It's hard to believe that this is where the whole trilogy started, but Robert Mark Kamen's 1984 premier installment starring Ralph Macchio, the legendary Pat Morita, Elisabeth Shue, and William Zabka ...

Me Before You


When it comes to romantic dramas, most films just aim to create strong emotions within its audiences. These are films basically made mainly for couples to enjoy together, and at best bond over in ...
