Historical Drama Movies

The Village (2004)


Night Shyamalan is often known as the modern master of suspense. He’s created films that have twists and turns, unlike anything you’ve seen, and created iconic sequences that will resonate with ...

Downton Abbey: A New Era


As the wife is a huge fan of the TV show not going to see Downton Abbey: A New Era was ever an option. To be honest, I like the show and thought that the 2019 movie was a lot of fun. I was not sure a ...



I only ended up watching Bridgerton because my wife really wanted to and with all the hype around the second season, I thought there has to be something here. Well, the fact it took us the better ...

The Northman


I have to start by saying that I can see why so many people are raving about The Northman. It is an epic Viking movie brought to us by Robert Eggers and for the most part, I liked what I saw. I just ...

Kingdom of Heaven


Ridley Scott's a director who has constantly dipped his toes into every single kind of film. He's a director that has such incredible range, that he can simply go from making a film that is set in a ...

Pocahontas (1995)


Since the very beginning of Hollywood, there have always been problematic portrayals of different races that have hindered Hollywood's prowess in storytelling. There have also been great films that ...



Man did I love Outlander! Outlander is brought to us by Starz, which you can subscribe to on Amazon Prime which is how I do it. This is a fantasy, historical drama that well and truly got its hooks ...

The Last Samurai


Edward Zwick is a director who has had a major fall from grace in the last decade and a half. He went from directing deeply philosophical, drama films about flawed characters and troubled motivations ...

The Post


Directed by Steven Spielberg and featuring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, The Post was a big deal when it was released. The Post was nominated for many awards and it is a smart and very informative ...

Downtown Abbey (2019)


It is fair to say that Downtown Abbey is a show that took over the world! It is the kind of show that on paper would have a very specific audience, but people from all walks of life ended up loving ...
