Superhero Movies

Captain America: Brave New World


Despite hearing less than amazing things from the “professional critics” as well as talk about reshoots and problems during production, I still had high hopes for Captain America: Brave New World. I ...

Kite Man: Hell Yeah!


Before you read this, I highly recommend that you check out my Harley Quinn review first as Kite Man: Hell Yeah is a spin-off. My experience with Kite Man was minimal at best, I remember him from an ...

Harley Quinn


I am going to start this by saying that Harley Quinn may be my favorite superhero animated show of all time! I was very late to the party on this one, I only started watching it at the end of 2024 so ...

Kraven the Hunter


I had pretty low expectations going into Kraven the Hunter and while I did not hate the movie, I would say that it is right on par with what you would expect from Sony’s non Spider-Man, Spider-Man ...

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace


You know a movie is bad when it makes a franchise lay dormant for two decades! Superman IV: The Quest for Peace is by far the worst of the original Superman movies. I love Superman and Superman II ...

Flash Gordon


Flash Gordon, now we are talking! Look, Flash Gordon’s special effects have not aged well at all, the acting is completely over the top and the movie is campy as hell, but I still love it! This is ...

Supergirl (1984)


Recently I have reviewed both The Secret of My Success and Ruthless People and one thing that those reviews have in common is my love for Helen Slater! Supergirl is the fourth movie in the Superman ...

Superman III


Check out my Superman and Superman II reviews if you want to read something positive about the last son of Krypton! Superman III was released in 1984 and once again Richard Lester would be in the ...

Superman II


Recently I reviewed the original Superman movie from 1978 and talked about how it was a massive movie in my childhood. While I love that original movie, I have always preferred Superman II from 1980. ...