Superhero Movies

Green Lantern


Well, well, well. If it isn't Ryan Reynolds' worst nightmare. While he's famously known as R-Rated Marvel superhero Deadpool, he was also a superhero in a different universe. Green Lantern is a ...

Daredevil (2003)


We can all agree that we'd rather think of Ben Affleck as Batman than Daredevil. This was the movie that made Ben Affleck swear to never play another superhero again until thirteen years later he ...

Blade: Trinity


When it comes to the third installment of Blade, the comic book-inspired movie about a half-vampire hunter played by Wesley Snipes (who also hated the film), third time's not the charm. Even if the ...

Blade II


The 1998 Blade was a tight action film with an okay script and well-choreographed fight scenes, and the sequel continues just where the original left off. In Blade II (2002), there is more blood, ...



Blade is now more than 20 years old, but this action flick is still fun to rewatch. This guy is one of the lesser-known Marvel superheroes, but he isn't your typical action hero, donning neon spandex ...

Fantastic Four (2005)


It's no secret that Marvel has had godawful films like Daredevil, Elektra, and Hulk. These films are better off forgotten in the cinematic universe, but it's hard to forget Fantastic Four. Maybe it's ...



M. Night Shyamalan has taken the majority of the action and excitement from this superhero film. It has a purpose, which gives it a specific tone. There's a sinister vibe running through the whole ...

Spider-Man: No Way Home


I think the last time I was as hyped for a movie as I was this one was Avengers: Endgame. My expectations for Spider-Man: No Way Home were ridiculously high, but it somehow surpassed them. This is ...



One of the weirdest things about Marvel's latest blockbuster Eternals is the name. I keep wanting to call this "The" Eternals, but the official name is just Eternals which just sounds odd. Anyway, ...