Max Payne 3

Using Rockstar Studios’ RAGE engine, Max Payne 3 (2012) is a downloadable action game which is played from a third-person perspective and follows events set 9 years after the last game: Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (2003), which is a sequel to Max Payne (released in 2001).

How to Download Max Payne 3

The game can be downloaded from Steam. And if you like the story you should also probably have the look at the official movie, which was released in 2008. The fans of the noir detective stories should also try L.A. Noire and Heavy Rain. 

The Game Review 

Film noir was the dominant film genre in the United States from the 1930s until the 1950s. 

Dark, violent, and sexual, film noir is often noted for pushing the boundaries of society then and even now. 

Grappling with issues ranging from sexual crimes to political corruption or even racism and the struggle of minorities in society, film noir doesn’t shy away from the dark undercurrents of society.

Probably one of the best examples of this in video gaming is the Max Payne series, a paean to film noir if ever one existed.

Centered on the conflicted yet likable titular character, Max Payne, the series has watched him go through hell and back, and back again. This theme continues in the third outing, 2012’s Max Payne 3.

Working in the private sector, Max finds himself once again embroiled in a story of power, intrigue, and violence.

Unlike the aforementioned previous games, Max Payne 3 takes a decidedly different approach in terms of aesthetic, if not in spirit.

Though it is jarring to see a noir script upon a tropical backdrop, Max Payne 3 makes up for this disconnect with tight gameplay mechanics and a narrative that is second to none.

Gameplay is interspersed with cut scenes that help flesh out the story, as in previous entries, but one remarkable change is the decreased emphasis on bullet time with the addition of a cover mechanic.

Don’t worry, Max Payne can still take out his enemies in slow-mo glory, but the updates make the gunplay more closely resemble other games.

This is actually a huge positive because it makes fighting enemies a fresh, engaging encounter every single time.

Rockstar Studios was so confident in Max Payne 3’s improved gameplay that they even made a robust online multiplayer mode to accompany the game. Players can play in co-op or competitive scenarios with up to 16 people at one time.

Multiplayer scenarios take those of the single-player game and spin them into something new. It’s a masterful reuse of content and a really fun mode to play.

But what draws gamers to the series, and what will have them talking about this game long after finishing it, is the story and Max Payne 3 does not disappoint. While the noir elements were toned down for the general look and feel of the game, that grit is present in full force when it comes to the narrative. Dark, engaging, and entertaining, Max Payne 3 straddles the fine line between gaming and cinema when it comes to writing and incorporating gameplay elements.

Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter that allows you to play the eponymous Max. Download it and see what happened in Brazil.
8.5 Total Score
Max Payne 3 Review Summary

  • Awesome story
  • Refreshed gameplay
  • Bullet time is here and it is still awesome
  • Multiplayer probably is a no-go this long after release
  • The campaign is too short
  • Feels incredibly linear compared to modern games
User Rating: Be the first one!
Rockstar Games
Publisher Website
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Xbox 360
full version
File Size
35 GB
Kehl Lutz

Kehl Lutz

Kehl Lutz, also known as Kehl Bayern is our staff writer and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing. In terms of video games, he is interested in strategy, simulation, FPS, RPG, fighting, and retro games. Kehl Bayern is also the author of the science fiction thriller Animus Proxy. He is based in Boston, Massachusetts, and spends much of his time traveling up and down the east coast of the United States. You can follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.