Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) tells the story of Eggsy (Taron Edgerton), a young man who comes from a broken home. One day, following a run in with the police, he comes into contact with the Kingsman. An elite agency of spies that work around the world, the Kingsman are one of the most confidential and secretive agencies ever. Eggsy begins his training as a Kingsman while the group keep their eye on Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson), a media mogul with big plans for the world.
How to Stream or Download Kingsman: The Secret Service
You can stream it or you can download the movie from iTunes. You might be also interested in its sequel Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017). To start your download or stream, click on the button below the review.
The Film Review
In many ways, Kingsman feels like a classic Bond film. The villain and his plan are larger than life and quite ridiculous, which is remarked on by several characters throughout the film. The violence is realistic and hard-hitting but presented in a comic book style. It’s full of humorous one-liners, cheeky jokes, and gentlemen etiquette.
On first glance, you might assume that Kingsman is just a run-of-the-mill spy thriller. This would be entirely wrong.
Kingsman expertly balances a compelling and interesting plot centered around the Kingsman and Valentine, while simultaneously giving us a peek into Eggsy’s training. As the audience, Eggsy is our eyes and ears into the inner workings of the Kingsman, and we are often just as surprised and excited as he is when new developments appear.
The plot is great at subverting your expectations, surprising you when you least expect it, and delivering glorious action scenes. Thanks to the insane direction by Matthew Vaughn, most action scenes are highly stylized and exciting to watch. There’s a good mix of slow-motion, gunplay, fun gadgets, and much more.
The film is also hyper self-aware at times, with characters spouting lines like “this isn’t that kind of movie”, and reminiscing on classic James Bond films. It seems like writer and director Matthew Vaughn knew exactly what his inspirations were for this film, and has no problem displaying that on the film’s sleeve.
There’s a great level of wish fulfillment, as Kingsman often delves into the coolest parts of spy movies. Cool gadgets, near-death escapes, and incredibly fun villains abound, they all make Kingsman an adrenaline-filled thrill ride.
Overall, if you’re looking for a spy-thriller with a bit of cheeky humor and a self-aware attitude, Kingsman: The Secret Service will surely satisfy. It’s got a great cast full of excellent actors and actresses, a unique take on the cliché spy story, and a lot of heart. The action is undeniably engaging, the performances are believable, and the stakes feel high.
Although most of the movie is comedic, there’s a real sense of adventure that few movies in the genre are able to obtain. It’s exciting, it’s fun, it’s violent, and if the upcoming sequels are to be believed, it’s the next big thing in the spy genre. Do yourself a favor and check out Kingsman: The Secret Service.