Smallfoot is a 3D animated comedy film produced by Warner Animation Group and Zaftig Films. The film is based on a novel by Sergio Pablos named Yeti Tracks. It is directed by Karey Kirkpatrick and features an astonishing voice cast consisting of Channing Tatum, James Corden, Zandaya, Common, Lebron James, Danny DeVito, and Gina Rodriguez.
How to Stream or Download Smallfoot
To stream or to download Smallfoot click on the Download button which is located at the end of this review. Smallfoot can be obtained via a pre-order from iTunes in several languages, however, the much sought Tamil and Hindi might not be available.
The Film Review
The Plot
Released on 28th September 2018, Smallfoot revolves around a Yeti named Migo who resides with the rest of his clan above the clouds on top of the Himalayas in Nepal.
One day while learning to ring the gong, Migo becomes distracted by their clan’s leader’s daughter Meechee which, inadvertently makes him crash outside the village.
He sees a human outside but fails to convince his clan after which, he becomes banished by their leader, the Stonekeeper. Migo is convinced my Meechee to visit the land beneath the clouds where they get to meet Percy Patterson, a wildlife documentary filmmaker who is having trouble maintaining his job.
After initially scaring Percy, the two become friends after which Migo takes him back to the Yeti village where everyone but the Stonekeeper welcomes him into their land.
The Stonekeeper reveals the truth to Migo as to how the humans have previously attacked and tried to destroy their clan which forces Migo to lie to the others by claiming that Percy is simply a wild hairless Yak.
Meanwhile, Meechee attempts to take Percy back to the human land but is suddenly attacked by the police. Migo returns just in time to save Meechee but is attacked by a SWAT helicopter as well. Percy dresses up as a Yeti and lets himself be captured in order to let Migo and the other escape after which he is sent to community service.
After reaching the village, Migo lets others know the truth about the land below the clouds and how the humans are friendly but scared of them. Soon, the village becomes surrounded by the police which forces the Yetis to leave the village.
What seems bad ends up as a blessing as Percy rises up from the crowd and welcomes the Yetis, thereby encouraging the others to do the same.
Smallfoot: the Movie Production and Postproduction
The recently released Smallfoot has set the bar high after pulling off some of the most stunning visual effects that the industry has seen in recent times. Sony Pictures Imageworks, the company working at the backend explained as to how it took on the task of creating lifelike fur and snow throughout the sequence.
According to Imageworks officials, the creating and coating of fur on the Yetis bodies was a challenge on its own. The company used a technology which was based on using the curves on each clump of hair and then extending it to meet the requirements of the Yeti’s fur cloak.
The character of Migo had over 1500 curls whereas Meechee was even more detailed with 4000 curves present in her shawl.
The Bottom Line
Smallfoot was received with positive reviews mostly and has so far managed to gross over $110 million worldwide. It also includes a number of catchy musicals including Perfection by Channing Tatum, Wonderful Life by Zendaya, and Percy’s Pressure by James Corden. The film is humorous and entertaining, making it perfect to watch with the entire family.