
X-Men is the first film in the beloved superhero franchise that chronicles a future where super-human mutants clash. Directed by Bryan Singer and starring superstar performers like Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen, this superhero flick is full of intrigue and mystery. Our story takes place in a future not so different from ours with one key exception; mutants. Propelled by rampantly evolving DNA, certain humans have begun to exhibit extraordinary abilities like invisibility, flight, and the ability to read minds. Discrimination and violence make life difficult for those identified as mutants, igniting a political debate. Beneath the surface, a war is brewing in the mutant community, where not everyone plays by the rules.

How to Stream or Download X-Men

X-Men, as well as other movies from the franchise such as Dark Phoenix, can be streamed or it can be downloaded from iTunes. Click on the Download button below the review.

The Film Review

This tale of rivaling mutant factions is mainly told from the perspective of two key characters; a young mutant named Rogue (Anna Paquin) and the iconic man with blades in his hands, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). As Rogue struggles with her newfound powers (unlocked during puberty), she escapes home seeking refuge. Along the way, she runs into Wolverine, who spends his nights earning cash in illicit cage fights. The pair eventually run into the Brotherhood of Mutants, a team of evil mutants who hold an intense grudge against the human race. Beaten and bruised, they are rescued by the titular team of mutants, the X-Men.

The pair find themselves at a school for young teenage mutants, led by the mind-reading man Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). Xavier, along with the rest of the X-Men, tell of the Brotherhood and their plans to alter humanity. Led by a mutant who can control metal known as Magneto (Ian McKellen), the group is incredibly dangerous and must be stopped.

As tensions rise among politicians and new legislation is introduced that will force mutants to identify themselves, things only become direr. With time running out, the X-Men must pull off a daring mission to foil Magneto’s plans.

Generally speaking, X-Men is a superhero movie that doesn’t rely too heavily on CGI or action to get its story across. The film is full of interesting characters, including the weather-wielding Storm (Halle Berry), the laser-shooting Cyclops (James Marsden), and the shape-shifting Mystique (Rebecca Romijn).

Intense scenes of suspense and action keep things interesting throughout the movie, but there’s plenty of interesting dialogue and mystery to keep your brain working too. The script is held up by excellent performances from the entire cast, with only a few blunders.

Hugh Jackman gives one of the best performances of his career, cementing himself as the iconic anti-hero Wolverine. Although it’s not as bombastic as more modern superhero films, X-Men has plenty of quality where it counts. The movie has the capacity to be creepy and intense while also being uplifting and exciting, a tone that is often hard to nail down.

Despite some of the aged special effects, X-Men still manages to create a believable world full of imagination and mystery. It’s also the start of a surprisingly effective superhero franchise, introducing a world with many more stories to tell. If you’re looking for a superhero flick that’s a bit different from the modern norm, you’ll find X-Men to be a great choice.

X-Men is the first movie from the acclaimed superhero series. Download this 2000 action masterpiece now to watch tonight.
8.5 Total Score
X-Men Review Summary

  • Excellent performances from the entire cast
  • Superheroes and villains with interesting powers
  • Awesome fight scenes and action
  • A few mutants are underused and over-simplified
  • Some of the visual effects are obviously outdated
User Rating: 3 (1 vote)
20th Century Fox
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File Size
3.88 GB
Matthew Owen

Matthew Owen

Matt is a lifelong gamer and an overall media junkie. In addition to writing entertainment articles, he hosts a gaming/comedy podcast called "Super Gamecast 64", available on iTunes and Stitcher. He also watches an unhealthy amount of movies and tries to spread as much love into the world as he can.
