Editor's choice

iPhotoDraw 2.6

Working with photos has gotten a lot easier in the past several years, and one of the biggest reasons behind that is robust, powerful software like iPhotoDraw. And thank goodness we have it, too, because, ever since smartphones took off, pretty much every single one of us is taking more photos than ever before.

iPhotoDraw is a program that lets you add all kinds of annotations and comments to your photos. You can even enlarge key parts. Download it now.

That is why software that catalogues and logs data about photos in a simple, efficient way is more valuable than many of us might first believe.

How to Download iPhotoDraw

You can download either the Windows installer of the portable version of the program. Click on the Download button below the text of this review.

The Program Review

When you make that software free, like iPhotoDraw is, then you are really giving the end user a lot of powerful tools at their disposal to organize their photos. In this article, we’re going to talk about why iPhotoDraw is such a good piece of free software and how you can integrate it into your workflow if you are a media manager or just a user who wants to organize his photo library.

When you think about cataloging software for photos, you often think about basics such as the metadata and file information. iPhotoDraw goes a step beyond that and can include things such as composition and even includes a tagging archival system to make it easier for you to quickly access your photos of a certain theme or type.

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You can even show objects with dimensional information embedded into the photo. It is that kind of powerful, free functionality baked into iPhotoDraw that makes it such a great value proposition for many users. You’re getting a lot of software for free.

And if that were all that iPhotoDraw did, it would be sufficient. After all, it is a free, powerful archival system for photos but it is also a photo editor with some basic abilities that take it up another tier in usefulness and functionality. In terms of edits, you can add text, graphics, and various other items to the image as you see fit.

It is surprisingly powerful given that this is a secondary feature of iPhotoDraw but it is probably more than enough for many users. Like the best photo editing software out there, the edited photo is stored in layers in a separate folder. That means that anything you change about the original photo is stored elsewhere and the core photo remains unchanged.

With a software footprint of 10 megabytes, iPhotoDraw also has the advantage of taking up very little space on your hard drive. Compare this to a lot of professional editing software available and you’ll notice that is not very much at all. If you are parsimonious with your space on your rig, iPhotoDraw will help you organize and edit your photos while basically taking up as little space as possible.

Easily one of the best options for users who do not have an image archival solution, iPhotoDraw has some features that should attract more experienced users of media software as well. From its small hard drive footprint to its robust suite of features, iPhotoDraw is a compelling choice when it comes to shareware media management solutions.

iPhotoDraw is a program that lets you add all kinds of annotations and comments to your photos. You can even enlarge key parts. Download it now.
9 Total Score
iPhotoDraw Review Summary

User Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Simen (Yimin) Wu
Publisher Website
Operating System
Windows XP SP3
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
File Size
25.7 MB

Kehl Lutz

Kehl Lutz

Kehl Lutz, also known as Kehl Bayern is our staff writer and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing. In terms of video games, he is interested in strategy, simulation, FPS, RPG, fighting, and retro games. Kehl Bayern is also the author of the science fiction thriller Animus Proxy. He is based in Boston, Massachusetts, and spends much of his time traveling up and down the east coast of the United States. You can follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
