Editor's choice

Minecraft Forge 1.19.2 – 43.1.65

Even after all these years, Minecraft is still going strong. While the base version of the game is great and has had some fantastic DLC released. If you are a PC Minecraft player, mods are really what this game is all about. If you have a lot of mods for Minecraft then you need Minecraft Forge to help you keep them all organized.

How to Download Minecraft Forge

Minecraft Forge
Minecraft Forge is a tool that lets you manage mods for the acclaimed open-world simulator. Download it now and enhance your gaming experience.

To download Minecraft Forge, click on the Download button that you will find located at the end of this review.

The Program Review

I would not even know where to start when it comes to talking about the actual mods. From new biomes, themes, buildings, skins, and so on, if you can think of it, chances are someone has made a mod for it. The thing is, there are so many mods, that it can be hard to keep track of them all.

With Minecraft Forge, you have a very easy-to-use method for keeping your mods organized so that they are always on hand when you want to use them. It is completely free to use and it is always being updated so that it can be used with the current version of Minecraft. As I write this on the site it is available for Minecraft version 1.1 all the way up to 1.16.5.

Once you have downloaded Minecraft Forge, you can easily select it as a profile on your Minecraft launcher. This will then give you a button that will show you all of the mods you currently have. Each time you download a new mod, it will be added to this list. You select the mods you want and launch the game and that is it.

You can select the mods folder from this list as well and this allows you to put any new mods you have downloaded here. The reason you would do this is so that they are always listed in your mods folder. If you do not do this, you will have to manually search for it before you can use it.

It is important to note that Minecraft Forge does not come with any mods installed. Thankfully there are a ton of sites that deal with Minecraft mods and a quick Google search will help you out. So, while this is very, very easy to use, you do have to do a bit of work yourself to get this thing actually usable.

Sure, it is awesome that Minecraft has done tie-ins with all kinds of stuff, most recently Sonic the Hedgehog. However, once you have played Minecraft with mods, there is no going back. From extra graphical effects, cool-looking biomes, and new game modes. There really is no end to the mods that are available.

Minecraft Forge
Minecraft Forge is a tool that lets you manage mods for the acclaimed open-world simulator. Download it now and enhance your gaming experience.
9 Total Score
Minecraft Forge Review Summary

  • This is completely free to download and use
  • Once downloaded it makes selecting your mods very easy
  • It is crazy how many different mods for Minecraft there are now!
  • You will find that this makes Minecraft even more addictive and fun
  • You do have to actually search for and download the various mods yourself
  • You have to remember to add the mods to the mods folder so they are easy to find
User Rating: Be the first one!
ForgeDevelopment LLC
Publisher Website
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
File Size
6.88 MB

Jason Delacey

Jason Delacey

Jason is a 40-year-old writer from Northern England. He has been playing video games his whole life and writing about them for over a decade. As well as enjoying gaming into the wee hours of the morning, Jason is a real film fanatic too! He is open to watching all genres of movies from animated singing animals to brutal horror!

Jason loves to give his honest opinion on games, movies, TV shows and is always willing to give anything a try!

Favorite Games: Resident Evil 4, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, Bioshock Infinite, Super Mario World, The Last of Us, Halo 2, Streets of Rage 2, Overwatch.

Favorite Movies: Terminator 2, The Empire Strikes Back, Avengers Infinity War, Bloodsport, The Transformers The Movie. Dogma, BASEketball, From Dusk Till Dawn

Favorite TV Shows: X-Files, Supernatural, Lost, American Horror Story, The Mandalorian, Stranger Things.
