The Elder Scrolls: Legends is a collectible card video game developed by Dire Wolf Digital and Sparkypants Studios. The game was published by Bethesda Softworks and was initially released on 9th March 2017. The game features players going head to head in a virtual card game where they strategize according to the creatures present in their card deck and using them to defeat their opponents. Each player starts off with a set amount of health and must battle it out with each other. The player that manages to reduce their opponent’s health to zero wins. The game is available to play on Microsoft Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
How to Download The Elder Scrolls: Legends
To proceed to the download of the game click on the Download button at the end of the review. You will download Bethesda Launcher which will let you play The Elder Scrolls: Legends for free. If you like the game consider playing also the great Elder Scrolls RPG Skyrim, a or its mobile counterpart Blades. If, on the other hand, you love the idea of an RPG game transferred to a collectible card game world be sure to download and check out GWENT (based on The Witcher games) or Hearthstone (based on World of Warcraft universe).
The Game Review
Players have the option to play 1on1 against other players online or with the AI. In each case, both the player and their opponent start off with a deck consisting of 50 to 70 cards. There are basically four types of cards involved: Support, Action, Creatures, Items.
The support cards provide benefits so they can additionally help the creatures or sacrifice themselves to protect the other cards.
Action cards are those which can be played instantly when it’s the player’s turn as it requires no extra turns to work.
Items are those types of cards which can enhance the creature card’s ability.
The enhancing can either be in terms of giving a boost in health or simply increasing the damage it does to the opponent. The creature card is the most important one as the whole combat depends upon it. Creatures are mainly used to attack their opponents whether directly or their summoned creature cards. They damage their opponents equivalent to their attack value whereas, they take the amount of damage equal to the defending creature’s attack. The creature instantly dies as soon as its health goes down to zero. Apart from that, players also receive a magicka. The number of cards that can be deployed on to the field depends upon the player’s magicka. Without the use of specialized cards, the maximum magicka a player can achieve is 12. There are two lanes in which the cards can be deployed. The creatures deployed can only attack either the opponent player directly or their creatures that are in the same lane.
Considering all the factors and cards at hand, players are required to think of a decisive strategy that can defeat their opponents. As the player wins matches, their character levels up and in turn, they receive numerous rewards which can either be in the form of new cards that are added to their deck, or upgrades to the cards that the player already possesses. Players can also purchase new cards by spending their in-game money received by winning matches. Players have the option to choose from various types of competition which includes friendly matches, ranked matches, battle mode, and campaign mode.
Overall, The Elder Scrolls: Legends is a very interactive and technical card-based game that requires immense brainstorming in order to do well. The players not only have to attack but also make sure that they survive their opponent’s attacks as well. There’s no stop to those who once start playing the game.