Alien 3 is the third film in the prestigious Alien series, a sci-fi/horror franchise that has been scaring the pants off audiences since 1979. Like the first two films, Alien 3 was crafted by a notable director, with this sequel directed by David Fincher (best known for his work on films like Se7en, Zodiac, and more recently, Gone Girl).
How to Stream or Download Alien 3 Full Movie Online
To stream or to download the movie, click on the Download button at the end of the review. You will be able to choose between iTunes and Google Play as a source of your film download. Be sure to watch Aliens before that one, though.
The Movie Review
Released six years after Aliens, the second movie in the series, Alien 3 continues the story of Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), a hardened military officer who has come into contact with aliens many times before. This time around, Ripley finds herself in extremely dire circumstances, once again hunted by the extraterrestrial creatures known as xenomorphs.
With yet another creative mind behind the camera, Alien 3 is a further departure from the formula than we’ve seen so far. While not as effective in some areas as audiences might hope, Alien 3 still delivers an interesting story of death and the unknown.
Alien 3 continues shortly after the events of Aliens, with Ripley and the rest of her friends escaping the alien-infested spaceship known as the Sulaco via an emergency escape pod. At some point during the pod’s travel, it loses power, veering off course and crash-landing on the nearby planet Fiorina 161.
Home to some of the solar systems worst criminal offenders, Fiorina 161 is an all but abandoned prison, packed with over two dozens rapists, murderers, and psychopaths. After she awakens from cryo-sleep, Ripley learns that she is the only survivor of the crash, leaving her alone on a planet full of killers. Once she becomes acquainted with medical officer Clemens (Charles Dance) as well as the rest of the remaining prison authority, the group fears that Ripley’s ship may have also brought an unwelcome visitor to Fiorina 161.
Although each Alien film is unique in its own right, Alien 3 feels the most distinct, as it’s often a movie of extremes. Instead of slow-burn suspense per the original film, Alien 3 contains far more scenes of drab dialogue, with characters bickering and discussing plans.
When it comes to the action and violence, Alien 3 is exceptionally more bloody and gore-soaked than either of the two previous movies, resulting in visceral and excessive death scenes. The additional bloodshed works well to make the xenomorph more intimidating, but the slower parts of the movie can weigh the whole experience down. While the dialogue is written well enough, there aren’t too many interesting characters besides Ripley.
The Bottom Line
In comparison to the previous two Alien movies, Alien 3 can feel underwhelming at times. It also falls victim to a common problem with movies from the early 90s; the CGI is of low-quality and used far too often. The practical effects remain effective and cool to see, which balances out the other aged effects. The action is decent enough to keep you invested, as is the unique set design and tone, but the overall plot is unfortunately disappointing.
That said, if you’re willing to overlook a few plot holes and are interested in a bloodier Alien tale than the others, Alien 3 is still worth your time.