Kingsman: The Golden Circle 2017) is a downloadable sequel to the spy thriller Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014). The film once again follows the journey of Eggsy (Taron Egerton), a new recruit in the gentlemanly spy organization, The Kingsman. The movie is written and directed by Matthew Vaughn, the original creative mind behind the first movie.
Many fan-favorite characters return, along with a fresh handful of new ones. The stakes are high, the action is great, and the comedy is sharp and witty. As a sequel Kingsman: The Golden Circle dials up the excitement in more ways than one.
How to Stream or Download Kingsman: The Golden Circle
To stream or to download the full movie you should click on the Download link conveniently placed for you at the end of this review. The movie is available in several languages. Check if your favorite version (be it Tamil or Hindi) is available.
The Film Review
The story in Kingsman: The Golden Circle is more expansive and exciting than before. After an early tragedy strikes the English brand of the Kingsman, the remaining members are forced to seek outside help. A terrifying epidemic has the entire world at risk, and the Kingsman must team up with their United States brethren to take down the threat.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle continues to build the mythos and world in fun ways. We get to see a bevvy of cool new locations, some great new characters, and plenty of fun action scenes. Although the story can be a bit slow at times, it feels much more epic in scope and consequence.
Speaking of action, the fight and combat scenes in Kingsman: The Golden Circle are just as entertaining and wacky as ever. Like the previous film, Eggsy and his other spy colleagues use a variety of neat gadgets and cool weapons. The inclusion of the United States version of the Kingsman opens up a more cowboy aesthetic, which leads to some fun scenes.
Some characters wield electric whips, duel pistols, and an assortment of other brash tools. Whereas the English Kingsman feel refined and polished in their action, the United States Kingsman are loud and exciting. This produces a fun dynamic as both organizations try to take down a mutual enemy.
The movie is jam-packed with an excellent cast, who all do wonderfully in their various roles. We see a strong return from previous characters like Merlin (Mark Strong), as well as some fantastic new villains like Poppy (Julianne Moore). The secondary cast is filled with an assortment of huge names, like Agent Whiskey (Pedro Pascal), Champ (Jeff Bridges), Agent Tequila (Channing Tatum), and more.
Each actor and actress plays their part very well, shining as both the good and the bad guys. There’s also a hefty amount of emotion in the story, and the cast does an excellent job bringing that to life.