Monsters, Inc. is a 3D adventure animated film produced by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is directed by Pete Docter and it stars John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi, James Coburn, and Jennifer Tilly as the main voice cast. Released on 28th October 2001, this film tells us the story of a city known as Monstropolis which is inhabited by different monsters.
How to Stream or Download Monsters, Inc.
To stream or to download the movie online click on the Download button at the end of the review. Monsters, Inc. can be streamed or it can be downloaded from iTunes. You will be able to choose between SD and HD quality. Expect audio and subtitles in several languages.
You might be interested also in Monsters University, which is the actual prequel to Monsters, Inc. released twelve years later in 2013.
The Film Review
The city of Monstropolis is powered by energy from harvesting screams from little children in the human world after scaring them in their bedrooms. Due to a shortage of power, James P. Sullivan and Mike Wazowski are chosen to solve this problem as they are considered to be the best in the business when it comes to scaring children.
On their journey, they realize that their arch-rival, Randall Boggs, along with the city’s chairman, Henry J. Waternoose, are planning to kidnap children and force screams out of them in order to solve the crisis. The story revolves around Sullivan and Wazowski’s adventure as they try to protect one of the children Randall kidnapped as well as expose his evil plan to the Child Detection Agency.
The idea for developing Monsters, Inc. was first generated at a lunch during the production of Toy Story in 1996. However, it was not until the late 2000′ that the production of the film actually began. In production mode, Monsters, Inc. was much different compared to Pixar’s previous films at that time as each character of the film had its own leading animator who was responsible for that character’s details and actions.
Monsters, Inc. can be considered one of the pioneering films that created a path for all future 3D animated films to follow. According to Pixar officials, the company had to put in an intense effort to animate the characters, particularly when it came to developing the character of Sulley. Sulley’s realistic appearance and fur came as a result of conducting several experiments which included putting the character on different virtual simulation courses that would conceive movement. Apart from that, many adjustments also had to be made to Boo’s character as well, relating to her appearance and motion that occurred when Boo and Sulley stood together. According to Pixar animators, developing Monsters, Inc. at the time was much more sophisticated and challenging compared to Toy Story which was produced only four years before Monsters, Inc.
Moving on to the film’s music, the credits song was called If I Didn’t Have You which was sung by John Goodman and Billy Crystal. The song managed to win an Academy Award for Best Original Song after sixteen nominations.
Overall, the film is considered to be a masterpiece produced by Pixar. It was ranked number one at the box office on its opening weekend and overall grossed over $577 million. The film was also nominated for Best Animated Feature at the Oscar Awards whereas, it also won Best Feature at the BAFTA Awards. Clever, funny, and intense, the film has all the ingredients to watch it with the family over and over again!