
Recently I reviewed Trap and I talked about how I did not understand the mixed and negative reviews it was getting. With Twisters, the opposite is true, I do not get the highly positive reviews that this movie is getting at all. I think the original Twister is a lot of fun, but Twisters is the prime example of a completely unnecessary sequel.

How to Download Twisters

Twisters was released on July 19, 2024. It should be available 45 days after its release date on Peacock TV and in other digital stores or platforms.. You can download or stream the film from a digital platform. Click on the Download button at the end of this review and make your choice.

The Movie Review: Twisters – A Boring Sequel

By the way, Twisters is not exactly a “sequel” as it has some references and nods to 1996’s Twister, but this is its own story with its own characters. Stuff like the Dorothy machine to help capture readings from the inside of a tornado and some of the lines that the characters say are clear nods to Twister, but that is about as deep as it gets.

Now before I say my piece on Twisters, I have to say that movies that people love or movies that people hate and I have the opposite opinion always make me realize something. At the end of the day, a movie review is just one person’s opinion, we all like different things and that is ok, life would be boring if we all liked the same things! With that being said, I was bored as hell watching Twisters and I am sure I was bugging people by checking my watch to see how long this thing had been going.

Twisters: The Story and Characters

We start with a young woman called Kate. Kate has a real sense of reading the weather and is pretty epic at figuring out what a tornado is going to do. Kate and her friends are trying to run an experiment to see if they can actually stop a tornado. Well, it all goes wrong and all, but one of her friends dies and she ends up feeling responsible and runs away to New York for five years to work at some kind of weather company.

The one friend who survived, Javi has kept working in the field. Javi works for a company that deals with property developers who want to use his team’s technology to try and basically profit from tornados. This part of the movie was super weird and I just did not really get or buy the reason why this developer wanted to know exactly what a tornado was going to do.

Javi calls in Kate to try and get her to help him deploy his new technology that will make scanning a tornado better than ever before. However, we also have a guy called Tyler Owens. Tyler Owens is a YouTube star who calls himself a Tornado Wrangler, he is a loud and over the top cowboy and he is played by the ever so charming Glen Powell. I love Glen Powell, but this was too much, I found him to be very obnoxious and by the time they calmed him down and gave him some depth, I just could not really warm to him at all.

Final Thoughts on Twisters

Twisters for me was just a very boring movie. There are just a couple of exciting moments and the special effects are incredible, the scene in the theatre is so very well done. However, the ending was predictable, unsatisfying, and dare I say, it just flat out sucked. It was like it was all building towards Kate and Tyler hooking up and it did not even give us that.

Hey, some people seemed to love this movie and that is fine. I wish I just waited and watched this on streaming rather than paying to see it in the theatre. I honestly do not even have any desire to give this one a second chance when it does hit streaming as I was so bored! It is weird as I would not say that Twisters is a terrible movie, but it is certainly a very boring one.

Twisters is a disappointing disaster movie with a lackluster story and predictable ending. Download it and see why.
5 Total Score
Twisters Review Summary

Sound & Music
  • The special effects are fantastic
  • The movie does a good job of putting “you” in the tornados
  • Some people seem to really like this movie
  • I was honestly bored for like 80 percent of this movie
  • I liked Glen Powell, but his character was kind of YouTube obnoxious
  • This actually has very little to do with the original Twister
User Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures
Publisher Website
Operating System
full movie online
File Size
Jason Delacey

Jason Delacey

Jason is a 40-year-old writer from Northern England. He has been playing video games his whole life and writing about them for over a decade. As well as enjoying gaming into the wee hours of the morning, Jason is a real film fanatic too! He is open to watching all genres of movies from animated singing animals to brutal horror!

Jason loves to give his honest opinion on games, movies, TV shows and is always willing to give anything a try!

Favorite Games: Resident Evil 4, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, Bioshock Infinite, Super Mario World, The Last of Us, Halo 2, Streets of Rage 2, Overwatch.

Favorite Movies: Terminator 2, The Empire Strikes Back, Avengers Infinity War, Bloodsport, The Transformers The Movie. Dogma, BASEketball, From Dusk Till Dawn

Favorite TV Shows: X-Files, Supernatural, Lost, American Horror Story, The Mandalorian, Stranger Things.