The Haunting

Today we have a favorite of mine, The Haunting! One of my favorite back-to-back movie marathons to do is 1999’s horror double feature of The Haunting and The House on Haunted Hill, both of which are ...
Today we have a favorite of mine, The Haunting! One of my favorite back-to-back movie marathons to do is 1999’s horror double feature of The Haunting and The House on Haunted Hill, both of which are ...
I have recently reviewed I Know What You Did Last Summer and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer and I praised them both very highly. It took quite a few years for a third movie to be made, but in ...
A while back I reviewed the 2019 remake/reimagining of Pet Sematary and I thought that it was fantastic. I am a massive Stephen King fan and I have been watching some older movies based on his work ...
2015’s Poltergeist is a pretty solid remake of the original Poltergeist that I think is better than a lot of people give it credit for. While it does have some similarities with the original movie, I ...
A lot of people hate on Poltergeist III and to be honest, this is not as good as Poltergeist or Poltergeist II: The Other Side, however, I would not say that this movie is horrible. I feel that they ...
This is not the general opinion, but I like Poltergeist II: The Other Side just as much as I do the first one! This is a super fun sequel that greatly expands on what the first movie did and it has ...
Boy, do I have a real horror classic for you today with 1982’s Poltergeist! I remember seeing this when I was way too young and it scared the hell out of me! Based on a story by Steven Spielberg and ...
I stand by saying that Omen III: The Final Conflict is not a terrible movie, but 1991’s Omen IV: The Awakening is easily my least favorite in the series. The most interesting thing about the movie is ...
I think that The Omen is a damn fine horror series, I have already looked at the original Omen, Damien – Omen II, and even the 2006 Omen and I had good things to say about all of them. For many ...
Today I am checking out the 2006 remake of The Omen. I have been on a real Omen kick this year thanks to the release of The First Omen. I have already reviewed the original Omen and Damien: Omen ...