Mystery Case Files

Mystery case files is a franchise that has stuck around for what seems like forever. During its lifespan, the cult-indie classic has undergone many significant facelifts. Despite that fact, the series remains as popular today as it was when it first burst onto the scene. All those years ago. From one developer to the next, it has been a rollercoaster ride for this Cluedo-like classic.

How to Download Mystery Case Files

Mystery Case Files
Mystery Case Files is a series of hidden object games. Download them and enjoy the casual adventure experience.

You can download al the game from Mystery Case Files from Steam. Heck, there’s even a bundle that will get you Huntsville, Prime Suspects, Ravenhearst, Madame Fate, Return to Ravenhearst, 13th Skull Collector’s Edition, Escape from Ravenhearst Collector’s Edition, The Black Veil Collector’s Edition,  The Revenant’s Hunt Collector’s Edition, and wind Collector’s Edition. TO begin downloading, hit the button below the review.

The Game Series Review: The Observable Truth

A journey that has seen developers come and go, only for other rising stars to pick up the mantel. The series has spawned countless spin-offs. And many consider it a trailblazer of the “hidden object” genre.

Mainly, the heavy onus on adventure elements gives meaning and context to the story. Within, lie themes of mystery and intrigue which in effect create a one-of-a-kind experience, that arouses one’s curiosity at every turn. Soon enough, you’ll be chugging on that pipe, adjusting your opticals, and screaming elementary my dear Watson! Trust me; it’s just a matter of time. Primarily, this reflects the fun nature of each entry in the saga.

What makes Mystery Case Files so appealing is the enthralling aspects of its game-play. If you have an observable eye, are familiar with Where’s Wolly and can spot a needle in a haystack, then this is the game series for you. Scrutiny is your best shot at success here.

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Above all else, the brilliant blend of puzzle-solving scenarios and unnerving atmosphere throughout create many memorable events. Better still, the thrill that comes from exposing the truth makes these games highly addictive and hugely entertaining. In theory, the premise is simple, but that only works to the games advantage. Word of warning, once you start, it’s impossible to stop.

So, without any further or do, let’s open the case files and examine the highlight-reel to this beloved series. Regarding the core template of the game, not much has changed throughout the years.

It all began with Huntsville, the first entry in the series canon. In hindsight, it’s somewhat linear compared to later iterations, but the core concepts are strong enough to hold their own, even today. Mainly, the game-play consists of one distinct feature. Players drag the mouse, aim the cursor and click on objects across a still image that embodies a crime scene.

Bit by bit, you unravel the mysteries of each scenario allowing you to progress to the next stage. Visually, the images aren’t much to look at and are certainly outdated by today’s standards. In contrast, a rich depth of color and a bold artistic license give each painting a life of their own. The older games show signs of age, but these titles have never placed graphics in high regard. After all, it’s not their strong suit. The beauty of Mystery Case Files lies in the core game-play.

Fast forward in time, and we witness the gradual evolution of the series, with new character themes and interactive elements progressively introduced over time. On that note, Ravenhearst was the first to fully integrate door puzzles to coincide with the hidden object style. That said, each installment brings something fun and fresh to the table.

Unlike any previous entry, the fifth title in this epic saga allows players to explore the world freely. Now, the player initiates puzzles and hidden object scenarios by triggering them during game-play — a revolutionary step forward in the franchise.

What they all have in sync though, is a strange allure that’s hard to define. As you unravel the mysteries of each scene, the plot thickens, and so do the immersion levels. What’s more, the dramatic music adds an undercurrent of suspense, while the stop clock timer places the burden of pressure upon the player. Overall, this is a hidden object series of games that deserve a visit especially if you fancy yourself as a bit of a problem-solving, Sherlock-loving smart Alec.

What is your take on Mystery case files? Is it Overhyped? Or out of this world? Please let us know your take in the chat below.

Mystery Case Files
Mystery Case Files is a series of hidden object games. Download them and enjoy the casual adventure experience.
8 Total Score
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Big Fish Games
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Operating System
full version
File Size
between 40 MB and 1 GB
Robbie Stevens

Robbie Stevens

Robbie Stevens is a professional game reviewer from the United Kingdom. Robbie's work covers a wide range of games, from triple-A titles to smaller independent releases. He is known for his candid and insightful reviews often adorned with flowery language - they are a real pleasure to read.