House Flipper

House Flipper is a downloadable game for PC running Windows that is representative of the Virtual Life Simulation genre. It is a one-player game that gives you the opportunity to become a one-man renovating crew. All you have to do is buy, repair and clean a house so that you can earn money. The goal is to use the money collected to buy a rundown house and upgrade it so that you can sell it for massive profit. The developer studio behind the game is Empyrean, and the publisher is PlayWay. The release date of this game was set on May 17, 2018, and House Flipper is still subject to continuous updates and improvements. House Flipper as of yet is not available for Xbox One or PS4 but because the game has become really popular it’s quite probable that we will enjoy it on PlayStation or the Microsoft console.

How to Download House Flipper

To download the game click on the Download button at the end review.

The Game Review

The game starts with a list of options that include New game, Settings and Exit game. You click on the New Game option and find yourself in front of a house. Upon entering the house, you explore all the rooms until you come to a place where you will find a computer. Next, you go to the computer and click on the mails option that is visible on the monitor screen. The mails section will provide you with the client’s order to clean his house. On accepting the request of the mail, you will immediately find your character standing in front of the client’s home after which you enter the house.

On entering the house, you will find it in a wreck which includes garbage, dust, rusted switchboards, and messy rooms. On the right side of the screen, you will be provided with a bar that will have a small minimap that will direct you to the house and let you know about the places that need cleaning. Below the minimap, there will be a section of the statistics relating to the cleaning and fixing of the individual room. Once you enter a room, click on the mouse button to select your tool. Select the cleaning viper to start cleaning while you can choose the hand option to move stuff around.

Start by clicking on the waste and garbage that is lying on the floor to dispose of them. Once the floor is tidy and clear of all the unwanted materials, you can further proceed to start cleaning. Keep checking the cleaning percentage that will be displayed on the right-hand side of every room. You need to make sure that the cleaning statistics says 100% before you jump to the next place. After clearing up every single room, go to the basement and clean that up too. Make sure to repair any mechanical breakdowns that need fixing including the electrical appliances. The client might have extra instructions for you such as “replace the radiators and change the toilet”.

The money you collect by cleaning up different houses can be invested into buying a home that you will once again repair and upgrade so that you can further sell it getting yourself a reasonable margin of profit. You can explore your interior designing talents by designing the inside of the house and sharpen your renovating skills along the way to unlock many different tools and upgrades.

House Flipper
House Flipper is a simulation game in which you become a renovation expert who brings houses from complete ruin to splendid glory. Download the game and unleash your creativity.
9 Total Score

User Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Publisher Website
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
full version
File Size
4 GB

Bee Khan

Bee Khan

Bee Khan is a talented writer from Pakistan. He has been playing and reviewing video games for many years and has written for several gaming publications. He is an expert in many game genres, ranging from first-person shooters to real-time strategy games. Bee Khan's gaming expertise and his writing skills make him a valuable asset to any gaming website.