
Have you ever dreamed about building your own crazy moving machines? If yes I have good news for you. TerraTech is a downloadable open-world, sandbox adventure game that revolves around the idea of you building your own vehicles and general creations, depending on your need. The game was officially released on PC for Steam on the 10th August 2018, by a developer named Payload Studios, a team currently only known for this title. With TerraTech, the player is free to do and build what they like, pretty much whenever they decide.

How to Download TerraTech

To start downloading the game hit the Download button located at the end of this review. There are also other downloadable goodies: the DLC TerraTech R&D Pack and the official soundtrack.

PS4 and Xbox One versions are not available yet and no announcement has been made whether the players will be able to download the anytime soon.

The Game Review

With the sandbox nature of the game, there isn’t much story to speak of, but there is a slight incentive for the player.

So what’s the deal?

To put the story simply, Earth’s natural resources have finally been depleted, and your role in this game is that of a resource-gathering prospector. It is your job to travel to new, unexplored planets and harvest their valuable materials and resources.

On these planets, you will come across rival prospectors who are seeking to do the exact same, and that’s why the vehicles and buildings that the player produces need to be up to snuff, just so they can take care of any potential rivals that might rear their head.

How can you beat that?

But it gets better.

Inside of the game, there are three different game modes to pick and choose from: campaign, creative sandbox, and gauntlet challenge.

The campaign mode. It typically has you exploring a procedurally-generated world, looking for new resources and items to craft with and create new blocks, guns, and general attachments for their creations.

The campaign mode is all about exploration, crafting, and progressing towards the ideal creation for each individual player.

Now, for the best part.

Creative sandbox is exactly how it sounds, you are given access to everything the game has to offer to create whatever you like, without the restriction of having to go out and get it before they can even make it.

Lastly is the gauntlet challenge where you can race with your creations against the clock, with the aim to get the quickest time possible on the chosen track.

The main game mode is the campaign, so you, as a player, are expected to go out and explore the procedural world, looking for a myriad of different materials and resources in exchange for new items to place onto a vehicle of the player’s choosing.

Yes, you’ve read it right. A myriad. That means the possibilities are endless.

Outside of exploring, building is clearly a very important part of the game, and with access to a wide variety of different parts, you are able to pretty much create whatever you can think of.

You are able to create a simple car, jet, and tank, or you can create a man riding on a unicycle, with guns for hands.

Ain’t it awesome?

The creation side of things is highly varied and allows you to have the freedom you would both want and expect out of a building type game.

But you’re wondering: ”Can this game be compared to any others I know?”

In terms of comparisons, TerraTech takes some decisions and design choices from both Minecraft and Robocraft, with Robocraft being a particular focus.

Using both of these games, TerraTech has created a great balance between the two to create an outstanding vehicle-creation game, all the while being in a genre that doesn’t get enough of them.

The bottom line?

If you’re looking for that next great building game, TerraTech is a great proposition for you and anyone that wants to give their creative mind a chance to do whatever it likes.

And the game gives you also access to a great number of different items and resources to build whatever you imagine.

TerraTech is an amazing sandbox in which you explore alien planets in your self-created awesome vehicles. Download it and be surprised by your own creativity.
8.5 Total Score

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Payload Studios
Publisher Website
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Xbox One
full version
File Size
1 GB
James "Martinez"

James "Martinez"

James says he has been playing video games since the day he could remember, starting back on the Gameboy Colour.

As he grew older, he realized that video games were always going to be his passion. He is the definition of a variety gamer, who will play pretty much anything once to see if it’s something he’d enjoy.

James is an excellent game reviewer because he is so passionate about them. As he has been playing them for most of his life, he knows what makes a good game. This makes him the perfect person to review games and give his honest opinions on the subject.

James has an Information Technology Associates Degree from Weston College.
