Editor's choice

Yandere Simulator

Yandere Simulator is a free downloadable (at the moment of writing) computer game designed for an adult player, in which we play the role of a girl, in love with a boy. The girl does everything to get rid of other competitors. The term yandere comes from Japanese pop culture and means a person who is seemingly nice and calm but under some influence (here love) turns into an aggressive and violent person. This description accurately reflects what we’re dealing with in the game.

The graphics are heavily influenced by manga and anime. The idea for the game is untypical and original. In a way, it resembles Postal 2. That game was too brutal, and the story was only an excuse for mass slaughter. Yandere Simulator does not impose on us the only possible style of play –  we can do what we like and how we like it. The subject of this title is, however, highly controversial.

How to Download the Latest Version of Yandere Simulator – he build from 12:00 AM on March 22nd

To download the game, click on the Download button.

What is Yandere Simulator?

We play as a schoolgirl who moves around the school grounds. We are so much in love with one boy that if he just passes by our heart starts racing. It is a type of toxic love, an abnormal obsession. Our job is to get rid of the competition, either by destroying another girl’s reputation or by killing her.

We have many options to choose from. We can interact with other characters, laugh like a psychopath, take pictures with our phone, eavesdrop on others, and later in the confines of our room write negative posts about them on a social networking site. The final goal is to ruin the reputation of the rival, kill her, or induce her to commit suicide.

Yandere Simulator lets the players customize the look of the main character (and of the loved one as well). Following the spirit of Japanese mass culture, we can also have a rather large selection of panties to choose from. We can walk with a band on one eye, and also with a cigar in the mouth. The possibilities are rich.

As we mentioned, the main task for the player is to get rid of the rivals. We have a rich arsenal of weapons: scissors, a Japanese sword, a knife, a syringe, or a screwdriver. Once we kill the victim, Yandere Simulator offers us the ability to hide corpses, burn them, and even wipe the blood from the ground. We have to be careful because it is easy to cause panic in other characters when we kill someone while they’re watching. We should also be careful so that our beloved doesn’t know of our actions, as our chances with him might be prematurely terminated. Some characters may also attack us when they see that we want to hurt someone else. This is another way to lose.

The Trivia

Yandere Simulator world has some interesting things that we can find. For example, we will find a mini-game called Yanvania: Senpai of the Night, a parody of the famous Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. In one of the rooms in the game, there is a club of occultists with a pentagram on the floor, a skull, and candles. There are also easter eggs – the main character can be bald and look like the hero of the Hitman series.

Yandere Simulator
Yandere Simulator is a simulator of unrequited love of a girl who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. Download it for free.

9 Total Score
Yandere Simulator Review Summary

User Rating: 4.41 (132 votes)
Publisher Website
Operating System
File Size
2.2 GB


Kasia Dalecka

Kasia Dalecka

Kasia Dalecka is a game reviewer from Poland. She's been playing video games since she was a little girl, and she's been writing about them for the past few years. Kasia has a passion for story-driven games, and she loves to find hidden gems that fly under the radar. When she's not writing or playing games, Kasia enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and exploring the great outdoors.

She has a cute cat Pola that snuggles on her lap while she's playing or writing.
