
Rambo: First Blood Part II


You know I have never met anyone in my 41 years on this Earth that actually calls this movie Rambo: First Blood Part II, it is always just Rambo II! Granted, the movie did not come out until 85, but ...

Pride & Prejudice


I will admit that I am about as far from the perfect guy to be reviewing Pride & Prejudice as you can get. However, while scrolling through Netflix, my wife came across it and it was her turn to ...



2023 has been a great year for awesome comedies getting theatrical releases. No Hard Feelings was awesome and maybe had just a little bit more heart, but I have to say I think that Bottoms is my ...



I have become a big fan of Hindi cinema over the last few years and I was very stoked that Juwan was actually playing at my local theatre. Apart from the trailer, I knew nothing at all about this ...

After Everything (After 5)


I am pretty sure I have been made to suffer through the After series of movies for something bad I did in a past life. For whatever reason, my wife likes this series so I have been dragged along to ...

The Hill


I will admit that you can write what I know about baseball on the back of a postage stamp. My knowledge of the sport comes from Field of Dreams and the baseball episode in one of the early seasons of ...

The Art of Racing in the Rain


I picked up The Art of Racing in the Rain on a whim after finding it cheap while out grocery shopping. It stars Milo Ventimiglia who I am a fan of due to This is Us as well as Amanda Seyfried and ...

Jack the Giant Slayer


Released in 2013, Jack the Giant Slayer was a movie that I had high hopes for. It is directed by Bryan Singer and stars the likes of Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, and Nicholas Hoult so it had a lot ...

Rocky Balboa


With how things turned out for Rocky V it was so awesome that Sly Stallone got the chance to go back and give Rocky Balboa a better ending. I remember when it was rumored that there was a new Rocky ...

Rocky V


To say that I was excited for Rocky V is the biggest understatement of all time. If you go back and read my reviews of the Rocky saga, you know what an important franchise it was from my childhood. I ...

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3


There is no mistaking the fact that the My Big Fat Greek Wedding series is the baby of the very talented Nia Vardalos. I thought that the first movie was a lot of fun, a real guilty pleasure of mine ...

Star Wars Rebels


I need to start by saying that Star Wars Rebels is amazing and I am worried I cannot do the show justice in my review here today. Like many of you, I have been loving the Ahsoka TV show and that is ...