
Jackie Brown


It’s quite rare when a Quentin Tarantino film flies under the radar. He is one of the most conventionally prolific directors of the modern age, with almost every single one of his films being ...

Shaft (2000)


It's quite remarkable that John Singleton, who served as Director, Writer, and Producer of Shaft (2000), decided to make this film after three decades without any notable public demand for it. The ...

Blood Diamond


It’s not rare to see Hollywood films dive deep into subject matter that is deeply messed up, brutally real, and an actual problem in the real world. War is the likeliest subject that Hollywood will ...

Crimson Peak


Gothic Horror is a genre that has substantially died down since the early 2000s. It has been ignored, and nearly wiped from existence. However, Guillermo Del Toro had something to say, when he ...



As a fervent admirer of the horror film genre, I make a conscious effort to steer clear of those featuring A-list Hollywood celebrities. It is widely believed that the greater the involvement of ...

The Secret of NIMH


It’s always heartbreaking when you remember films from your childhood, films you loved so dearly and wholeheartedly never got the recognition they deserved when they initially came out. The Secret of ...



Champions is one of those movies that I was sure I was going to enjoy before it even started. I love basketball and love basketball movies and what we have here is a charming feel good basketball ...

The Bear


What a fantastic show The Bear is! This is a Hulu Original, but here in the UK, The Bear is on Disney Plus and that is where I checked it out. I went into this thinking that what we had here was more ...

Fleishman Is in Trouble


Fleishman Is in Trouble is a show that here in the UK aired on Disney Plus, but in other regions, FX and Hulu were where it called home. This is a drama that is based on a book of the same name, a ...

Shazam! Fury of the Gods


While I enjoyed the first Shazam movie, Shazam! Fury of the Gods was a movie that I thought looked fun, but I was not super interested in it. The reason for this is the current state of the DC ...