
Tag is a comedy film produced by Broken Road Productions and New Line Cinema. The film is directed by Jeff Tomsic and features a veteran cast consisting of Annabelle Wallis, Hannibal Buress (he’s Frank in another comedy Blockers), Ed Helms, Isla Fisher (she’s Lara Hastings in Laura Nocturnal Animals), and Jake Johnson (he’s the voice of Lowery Cruthers in the game Lego Jurassic World).

How to Stream or Download Tag

You can obtain the movie from iTunes. To begin downloading, click on the button below the review. And if you like comedies check out also Life of the Party or Book Club. Or perhaps also Game Night, which, strangely enough, is one more comedy about people playing a game.

The Film Review

Released officially on 15th June 2018, Tag discusses the story of five friends, Hogan Malloy, Bob Callahan, Randy Cilliano, Kevin Sable, and Jerry Pierce, who have been playing the game of tag ever since they were nine years old. The friends get together once every year to compete against each other as well as to maintain their close friendship bond.

The Plot

In the present time, Hogan calls all his friends and plans to work together with them in order to tag Jerry who, having never been tagged before, plans to retire due to his wedding. Hogan and the rest arrive at Jerry’s hometown where they successfully manage to locate him. Jerry introduces his fiancé Susan after which, he smartly evades Hogan’s attempt to tag him.

Several attempts are made by Hogan, however, Jerry manages to outsmart him each time. Eventually, Susan becomes upset and scolds Jerry, accusing him of being more involved in the game rather than their wedding. It is revealed that Susan is pregnant and suddenly, experiences an apparent miscarriage. Hogan and the others receive a text saying that the wedding has been postponed.

Consequently, Hogan is forced to call off the game of tag but is soon angered by the revelation as to how Jerry had faked Susan’s pregnancy and miscarriage event just to avoid being tagged, and that the wedding is still on schedule.

Hogan arrives at the wedding and attempts to tag Jerry, missing him by a margin before crashing down on the ground. Hogan is taken to the hospital where he reveals that he had been suffering from liver cancer and that he has less than a year to live.

Jerry, overcoming his ego, allows Hogan to tag him. The film ends with all the initial members playing tag on the hospital premises.

The Movie Production

One of the most astounding facts, which makes this movie more enjoyable to watch, is how it is based on a true story. The film emulates real-life friends who, to this day, play tag with each other once a year, despite being married and grownup.

Tag offers its viewers with a mix of action, indulged in comedy. It is a light-hearted film which displays how true friendships have the potential to encompass time and age. True friends, no matter how far apart, still manage to keep their special bonds intact.

The film has been received with mixed reviews from the viewers. Fans have praised the director for taking a comical approach, whilst also hiring a great cast. On the other end, the film has been criticized to be repetitive in its jokes and the overall story pattern which inevitably underrates the credibility of the cast.

The Bottom Line

Overall, Tag is a hilarious film which turned out to become a commercial success. It managed to gross over $14.9 million, finishing at the third position on the box office at the time.

Tag (2018)
Tag is a comedy movie about friends who play a very strange game. What's surprising, it is also based on a true story. Download it now.
7 Total Score
Tag (2018) Review Summary

User Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Warner Bros. Pictures
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File Size
3.82 GB
Osama Zahid

Osama Zahid

Osama is an experienced game reviewer and content creator. He has worked in the industry for over 10 years and has been a part of some of the most popular gaming publications. He is known for his uncanny ability to find the most interesting games to write about.

Osama has also a vast knowledge of cinema and is always up-to-date on the latest releases. He has a keen eye for detail and is able to articulate his thoughts on films in a clear and concise manner.

His love for music makes him also a song review expert as he knows how to listen to a song and pick out the good and bad points. If you are ever in need of someone to review your latest song, Osama is the man for the job!
