The Wedding Ringer

It may be predictable as hell and the trailers show all the best bits, but damn it, The Wedding Ringer is a fun comedy that is worth a watch. This is one of those movies that was panned by critics, ...
It may be predictable as hell and the trailers show all the best bits, but damn it, The Wedding Ringer is a fun comedy that is worth a watch. This is one of those movies that was panned by critics, ...
I am a big fan of the original National Lampoon’s Vacation movie and Christmas Vacation is my all-time favorite Christmas movie. The other two movies have their charm, but it is the first two ...
The Chucky TV series completely blew me away! We have looked at all of the Child’s Play and Chucky movies so far here on the site and I finally got around to watching the first two seasons of Chucky. ...
Even though most people did not love it, I liked the first Paul Blart movie. Being a fan of Kevin James and the whole Happy Madison crew, that first movie was pretty much what I expected it to be. ...
How you can watch The Intern and not have a huge smile on your face when the credits roll is beyond me. This is such a charming and feel-good kind of movie that I am mad at myself for taking so long ...
Paul Blart: Mall Cop is the definition of a guilty pleasure movie! Is this an all-time classic movie? Absolutely not, but Paul Blart: Mall Cop has that Kevin James charm which if you like will ensure ...
I cannot believe I am about to say this, but If You Were the Last is one of my movies of the year. I came across this by accident (it is a Peacock original) and I saw it had Anthon Mackie in it and ...
Let me start by saying if you do not like Melissa McCarthy, chances are you will not like The Boss. However, if you are a fan of Melissa McCarthy’s brand of humor, The Boss is a movie you will have ...
While I would not say that any of the Tyler Perry Madea movies are amazing some are just downright garbage. Boo! A Madea Halloween is not amazing, but it is probably one of the better Madea movies. ...
Seed of Chucky would be the last Chucky movie for over a decade to get a theatrical release. I remember going to see Seed of Chucky in the theatre very well. I was dating the woman who would go on to ...