Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022

Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 is one of those games that clearly wear its heart on its sleeve – you know just by reading the title exactly what is entailed within. For those that are looking for a new and exciting entry into the world of driving your own locomotive, this title might be of some interest to you. Originally released on the 31st May, 2022, on Steam, the game is both published and developed by N3V Games.

How to Download Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022

You can download the game from Steam. Click on the Download button at the end of this review. If you like train simulators, check out also the previous edition of the game Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019, or have a look at what the competitor – Train Simulator 2022 – is doing.

The Game Review


With Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022, there are two main ways to play the game. There’s the general gameplay of taking control of a train and driving it through your chosen map. You can increase or decrease the speed of your locomotive at the drop of a hat, and simply take in the environment that you’ll be driving past. This part of the game isn’t particularly in-depth and is certainly not the highlight of the game, but it can be fun to just relax in a train car and watch the world roll by.

Easily the most impressive part of the game, however, is the Surveyor mode. New and improved from the previous title, Surveyor 2.0 as it’s been dubbed allows the player to make their very own train routes to follow.

The environment, tracks, trains, and so much more can be edited and swapped around to fulfill whatever train-based dreams and fantasies you’ve always wanted to create. Surveyor is the game’s best feature and could easily suck up hours upon hours of your time if you’re not careful, as there is just so much you can do with it.

You can tell how powerful the tool is by the fact that there are players out there that use Google Maps to re-create a train route first of all, before implementing it into the game.

There really is just an impressive amount that can be done with the Surveyor mode and it’s honestly the main reason to pick up the game. For anyone that isn’t into making their own routes, you can instead choose to download other people’s and just enjoy the creativity that others have at their disposal.

You can even use the Surveyor tool with your friends if you’re up for paying extra for the Trainz Plus subscription service. Admittedly, that’s a bit of a cheeky extra.


One element of the game that could be construed as a bit of a mixed bag is the graphics. Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 has some really good graphical fidelity in certain parts, but then, there will be some textures that just come across as rough and low-quality, which can really drag the game down visually.

Thankfully, though, when it comes to the important aspects like the models of the trains themselves, they tend to be of pretty high quality and it really goes to show where some of the best work went.


In any simulator-type game, audio is one of those elements that need to be focused on. Bad audio can really take away from a simulator game providing a level of reality that no other element can match, so it’s good to see that this one has such good audio as you play.

The sound of the trains on the track, the halting of the brakes, and even the sound of smoke billowing out of the top of the train, they’re all exceptionally well done and as a result, become one of the game’s biggest highlights!


Overall, Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 comes across as a great overall package if you’re looking to delve into your own creativity, along with the communities.

The freedom that the Surveyor tool provides is almost unheard of in the simulator space and for anyone that wants to learn how to utilize it, you’re in for endless hours of entertainment.

While the game has some issues with textures at times and taking control of a locomotive isn’t quite as engaged as other simulators, Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 is definitely a worthwhile addition for someone that’s loco for locomotives.

Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 is another edition of the oldest train simulator on the market (it started in 2007). Download it now and have fun.
8 Total Score
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022 Review Summary

  • It can be really peaceful to just let the game run as you traverse through a designated route
  • Surveyor 2.0 is an incredibly powerful tool that gives you an almost limitless amount of potential
  • Having access to other player’s routes, means you aren’t required to learn the Surveyor tool if you don’t wish to
  • Having to pay extra for most of the game’s multiplayer extras is a bit of a cheeky move on the developer’s point
  • Some of the game’s textures and models aren’t as impressive as others, which can result in them sticking out
User Rating: 5 (1 vote)
N3V Games
Publisher Website
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11
full game
File Size
35 GB
James "Martinez"

James "Martinez"

James says he has been playing video games since the day he could remember, starting back on the Gameboy Colour.

As he grew older, he realized that video games were always going to be his passion. He is the definition of a variety gamer, who will play pretty much anything once to see if it’s something he’d enjoy.

James is an excellent game reviewer because he is so passionate about them. As he has been playing them for most of his life, he knows what makes a good game. This makes him the perfect person to review games and give his honest opinions on the subject.

James has an Information Technology Associates Degree from Weston College.