
Brokeback Mountain


There aren’t many filmmakers like Ang Lee out there, somehow this man manages to create films that will stay with you long after you’re done watching them. It doesn’t matter how good they are, or if ...

The Black Cauldron


I have such fond childhood memories of The Black Cauldron that I am going to warn you now, this is a biased review! To be fair, I have watched this movie many times over the years and I feel that it ...

From Up on Poppy Hill


Hayao Miyazaki wasn’t very pleased when he saw his son’s first film, but he did say that it was made honestly, and with love, which is why it was worth watching. These words stayed with Goro, and he ...

Dumb and Dumber


Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the comedic circus that is Dumb and Dumber! This film is like a clown car, packed with more jokes than you can shake a rubber chicken at. While I would say that some ...

The Wind Rises


Hayao Miyazaki is a filmmaker whose praises I have sung for who knows how long. His filmmaking consists of entrancing magic, where you feel as if you are drenched in the colors of his beautiful ...

The Girl on the Train (2016)


It’s hard to judge films that were originally books, but then later adapted into films. Hollywood gets its grubby hands on a good novel, with a great story and cast of characters, and turns it into a ...



Have you ever wondered how Keanu Reeves ended up becoming such a Hollywood heartthrob, despite the fact that he got his proper career start with Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure? Well, there is ...

True Lies


The biggest issue I’ve had with action comedy films is that they take themselves too seriously nowadays. These films are meant to entertain the audience rather than deliver a big message. These films ...

Léon: The Professional


I must say, 1994 was one of the biggest years for the film industry, in particular, Hollywood. There were more iconic films coming out in that year, than in the entirety of the 2000s combined. ...

White Boy Rick


Auto-biographical films don’t really have a great track record in recent times. There are a few exceptions to that fact, of course, but most of the time, they are often heavily fictionalized ...

The Book of Eli


The post-apocalyptic genre has long been dominated by bland franchises or boring features, with many other films in the genre going relatively unnoticed. Despite this, the potential for great ...