Insurgency: Sandstorm

Ipassed on the original Insurgency game which was a huge indie hit a couple of years back. However, the constant badgering of one of my buddies led me to give Insurgency: Sandstorm a try and spoiler ...
Ipassed on the original Insurgency game which was a huge indie hit a couple of years back. However, the constant badgering of one of my buddies led me to give Insurgency: Sandstorm a try and spoiler ...
Developed by Coldwood Interactive and published by Electronic Arts, Unravel is a downloadable puzzle platforming game that features a yarn-based hero called Yarny who has to use the unraveling bits ...
Black Mesa is a Crowbar Collective's downloadable remake of the FPS gem created by Valve. The latter company tends to dominate the headlines today for their Steam games service but, before that, the ...
I played the heck out of the original Prey (released in 2006) on Xbox 360 so I was all in when the new game was announced. Prey may have come out in 2017, but with the downloadable Typhoon Hunter ...
Without meaning, to rip-off, every pun known to man Dusk is a blast to play, albeit, it relishes in its blood-stained barbarism. The sheer, wild nature of its speedy combat creates a potent ...
Before it became the purveyor of all things PC gaming, Valve was the developer then, later, publisher of one of the first-person shooting’s greatest games: Half-Life. Released on November 8, 1998, ...
For years now, Valve's Steam has been the number one source for games. But now, the global-game distributor has a contender, hot on its heels. Following on from the Game Awards earlier this month, ...
Before Final Fantasy VII changed everything for Japanese role-playing games in North America and beyond, one title is a touchstone for many gamers who love the genre and that game is Chrono Trigger. ...
With its small development team and Kickstarter roots. Many probably thought that the downloadable game Edge of Eternity would never see the light of day. Well, this small team (of only nine people) ...
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006) is one of the best downloadable RPG titles in years. The coolest thing about this game is that it puts you into the shoes of a convict, and from there you need ...
Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek is the downloadable follow up to the very popular stealth horror game Hello Neighbor. However, this is not actually a sequel. Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek is a prequel ...
The Ditzy Demons Are in Love with Me is a downloadable eye-popping demon-dalliance with a difference. Those with a natural proclivity for anime will love this game, even if the maturity level ...