All Reviews: Jason Delacey

Back in the early to mid-90s, Nicktoons was my jam! I loved most of them and Doug was one of my favorites. I was shocked when after a couple of years, Nick not ...

I am pretty pumped to talk to you about The Midnight Sky today as it is a movie I really liked. This is a Netflix original that was released late in 2020 and ...

How the heck is Lilo & Stich 20 years old? Time really does fly, doesn’t it? Stich has become one of the biggest characters that Disney has. There is a ton ...

Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a 2001 Disney movie that was not really appreciated in its time, but it has become more beloved as the years went on. This was a ...

Treasure Planet was one of a few movies that Disney has done that are considered box office bombs. It is a real shame too as Treasure Planet is fantastic. I ...

It is interesting how Winnie the Pooh and his buddies are no longer as huge as they once were. Do not get me wrong, Winnie the Pooh and friends will always be ...

Let me start by saying that my “electrician” experience is basically changing plugs and flipping the breakers on and off on rare occasions. Most of the ...

I think it is pretty much impossible to read a review for Till without the word “powerful” appearing at least 1000 times! I do not mean that as a slight, Till ...

In the early 00s, Disney made some questionable decisions and one of those is The Jungle Book 2. Many people think this was another straight-to-DVD Disney ...

Wow was this rough! The most interesting thing I can tell you about The Lizzie McGuire Movie is that it is the first theatrically released movie based on a ...

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