The Santa Clause 2

Santa is a figure as old as time, at this point. He’s obviously a myth, though, but he’s a myth that we can all rely upon to provide us with the best holiday cheer. When it comes to cinema, however, ...
Santa is a figure as old as time, at this point. He’s obviously a myth, though, but he’s a myth that we can all rely upon to provide us with the best holiday cheer. When it comes to cinema, however, ...
We have roughly 60 days before Christmas rolls in. Every December, we cozy up on the couch, surrounded by twinkling lights, lots of wrapped-up gifts, delicious eggnog, and a whole lot of snow. In ...
Ladies and gentlemen gather 'round because we're taking a trip down memory lane to the era of low-rise jeans, frosted tips, and rom-coms that were sometimes, well, lacking. Even though the films were ...
Ah, the early 2000s, when cargo pants were all the rage, and Adam Sandler movies were... well, also all the rage. It was a simpler time when we were blissfully unaware of the impending doom of 2020s. ...
Bride of Chucky would be the first Chucky movie since 1991! This was the first movie that I saw in theatres and I was all in on this. Bride of Chucky has a very different tone to the other movies, it ...
Spy Kids: Armageddon is the fifth movie in the franchise that started all the way back in 2001! I watched the first four Spy Kids movies with my son, we liked the first two, thought three was okay, ...
I had been meaning to check out Dumb Money for a while and my local theatre was down to like one showing a day so I went the other night. I remember following this story when it broke during Covid. ...
Today I get to talk about a real favorite of mine and that is Last Action Hero which was released in 1993. I was all in on this movie as a kid I was so excited about it, I had the toys and my local ...
Trainwreck is the best thing Amy Schumer (also check our review of her Bros) has done! I am not a fan of her stand-up at all and to be honest, had zero interest in a movie that she wrote and starred ...
I may get my 80s card revoked here, but even as a kid, I never cared for Honey, I Shrunk the Kids all that much! I know this is an 80s and childhood classic for many people, but I always just thought ...