V Rising

V Rising is a game that in mid-May 2022 entered early access and already it is a game that is showing a lot of promise. This is an action/survival RPG where you play as a vampire and that is pretty ...
V Rising is a game that in mid-May 2022 entered early access and already it is a game that is showing a lot of promise. This is an action/survival RPG where you play as a vampire and that is pretty ...
I put so much time into Persona 5 that my wife would often say “are you playing that again?”. Persona 5 Strikers is one of my most anticipated titles of 2021. It is quite interesting that the game is ...
Originally released in 2008, Castle Crashers was one of the first big hits for the Xbox Live service. Since then, it has appeared on PC, PlayStation 3, and thanks to the newly remastered version, ...
It’s rare that a game can surpass its original inspiration. But, in many ways, Torchlight (released in 2009) does just that with its Diablo-inspired gameplay. Offering up an interesting mix of the ...
When you look at Torchlight 3 information online it is mostly filled with people saying it is not as good as the previous two games. To be fair, Torchlight 3 is a fun action RPG game that is very ...
If you ask me, the Souls games have a great deal to answer for! In all seriousness, Hellpoint is a game that is clearly taken great inspiration from the hard as nails Souls series. It does what it ...
Last Epoch is a game that has been in early access for what feels like forever. I recently spent some time with it and wanted to share my thoughts. I have heard many people compare this to stuff like ...
If you like 2D hack and slash RPG’s with a bit of Metroidvania thrown in for good measure, Dead or School is the game for you. Available for PC, Switch, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, this is a fun game ...
As a huge fan of Darksiders, I was very disappointed when I heard that the next game in the series was going to be radically different. No longer was it a 3rd person Zelda style action-adventure ...
Children of Morta is a roguelike RPG game and more proof that we live in a golden age of RPG’s! Seriously, the worst thing about modern RPG’s is that there are so many of them keeping on top of them ...
In their most basic form, hack and slash genre games are action titles that emphasize weapons-based combat over fists or guns. Originally developing out of a descriptor used for role-playing games that were more action-oriented than others, hack and slash games today still emphasize action over turn-based combat but are not solely relegated to the realm of RPGs.
Indeed, hack and slash games can be as varied as the Devil May Cry series, Bayonetta, and even the Musou classic Dynasty Warriors series.
Borrowing elements from multiple genres, hack and slash titles take a little bit from role-playing games, action games, and fighting games with the amount from each determined by what the game is trying to achieve.
Similar to beat’em up games that emphasize martial arts as the primary way of defeating opponents, these titles can be as simple as repetitive button presses that generate combos to as complex as fighting games with moves to memorize.
For example, the Soul Calibur series would never be called a hack and slash game though it involves weapons and fighting. Then again, the arcade classic Dungeons and Dragons by Capcom could ostensibly be called a hack and slash title because it emphasizes weapons-based combat as does Sega’s classic Golden Axe.
In general, hack and slash highlights a title’s action-oriented gameplay structure more than anything else with the addition of weaponry being distinguishing though not a sufficiently defining factor.
Amalgamating a range of genres, hack and slash as a descriptor is gaming shorthand for lots of action with tons of cool weapons in its most basic form.
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